[paid][esx] hud script | sl scripts


HUD Features

- Changeable color

- Changeable refresh rate

- Togglable HUD Functions

- Customizable Notifications

- Customizable Announcement

- Customizable Keybind Indicator

- Changeable Commands

- Customizable Restricted Zone

- Speedometer excludable Models and Classes

- Speedometer RPM hidable on Models

- Changeable unit

- Changeable Keybinds

- Cruise Control

- Seatbelt with ragdoll on impact

- Changeable Ragdoll tolerance

- Custom Info Messages when activating Seatbelt/Cruise control
and a looot more

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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600
Requirements ESX
Support Yes
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Stolen from other devs that posted their hud days ago

What exactly do you mean by “stolen”? What did I steal?

the hud. Its stolen from a resource postet 2 days ago

could you provide a link to the resource?

Well I guess we got that sorted out