[PAID][ESX] HoboLife! A script to help develop your homeless.. roleplay

Can you please make a qbcore version please?

I’m not sure what your post said, but I’ve been talking with some people about making a qb version of this script. I will post here with any updates.

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Ok thanks!

Hello i have just bought your script i am running legacy but i carnt use the sleeping bag etc is there a ciommand i have to use?

QBCore version is available now :slight_smile:

where can we find the QBCore version?

It’s the same as the ESX Tebex Link

Do you guys provide the images for the sleeping bag, piccolo, the chair, and the sleeping bag? There isn’t any items images showing.

is there way to get it to work on qtarget

Change bt target to qtarget in client.lua

Can you remove the target?

/sleep duhh

Can it be brought open source ?

Yes, all my scripts are open source unless they say otherwise

need this for QB

It is for QBcore :slight_smile: