[PAID] [ESX] FadeCloud | HUD

FadeCloud - HUD

We publish our HUD development.


  • Money/bank money
  • microphone
  • Time
  • Player ID
  • Assistance in management (hot buttons)
  • Speedometer
  • Food/water
  • Temporary notifications
  • Announcement


preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8He-u7oQAyY


Tebex: https://fadecloudstore.tebex.io/category/2101328

Other Scripts

LoadingScreen - 20 euro + tax

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) more 2.500
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

So if that’s true, you’re the hero of the day with your 71.40 EUR for a HUD

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Are you saying it’s expensive?
When you buy it, you get good support and great design. It is also possible to change the color, logo everywhere.

Nobody pays 75€ for a hud don’t exaggerate

The hud looks nice…
But 75€ is to high

72 lol

it looks not even like the preview :smiley: there is a lot of design bugs and different styles etc.


70+ $ for a hud ? xD you must be kidding me xD 70$ for an IDENTITY ? FFS. Hilarious AF xD

90% of the hud is not even working :smiley: i try it and i never saw something like this :smiley:

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Looks super cool was about to buy until I saw the price

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OP request