[PAID] [ESX/CUSTOM] WX Warehouses - Advanced player-owned warehouse management

Hello, FiveM community!
I am pleased to announce the release of my next paid script after a long time, this time, I am presenting the WX Warehouses script!

:lock: :shopping_cart: Purchase on Tebex (Escrow) - 19.99$ + Tax
:unlock: :shopping_cart: Purchase on Tebex (Open Source) - 39.99$ + Tax


WX Warehouses is an advanced script for FiveM, built primarily with ox_lib and ox_inventory to handle player-owned warehouses. Players can buy, sell, and modify their warehouses. These warehouses act as storage spaces where permitted players can access the stash of goods stored within. WX Warehouses comes with 4 preconfigured warehouses, but you can create an infinite amount of them!

Main Features

:building_construction: Player owned warehouses Players can purchase warehouses for storage and organization of items.
:moneybag: Rent system Configurable fee for warehouse rental, ensuring regular payments.
:wrench: Warehouse Managing Players can modify warehouse settings, such as PIN codes, access permissions, and ownership.
:technologist: Exports Included a few (server-side) exports so you can integrate WX Warehouses in your other resources
:icecream:Easy warehouse creation Instantly create and modify warehouses in-game without complicated configuration files. Changes take effect immediatly!
:gear: Easy warehouse management Edit, delete, or manage warehouses seamlessly with a user-friendly UI powered by ox_lib.
:bridge_at_night: Custom Bridge Integration with any framework is possible, as WX Warehouses relies on minimal framework-specific functions.
:key: Optional PIN Code System You can toggle PIN Code support in the config to allow players to set a custom password for their warehouses
:zap: Optimized WX Warehouses is extremely optimized, running at 0.00ms client resmon 99% of the time!
:eye: Target No need for old, unoptimized markers or 3D Text, every interaction is done with ox_target!
:symbols: Locales Localization support enables translation of all text via JSON locale files.
:bucket: Routing Buckets With routing buckets support, you can create multiple warehouses for the same location
:eyes: Logs Included editable logging system to keep track of your player’s actions


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Config File

Resource Info

Code is accessible Escrow - Only Some parts (like bridge) // Open Source - Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1000
Requirements ox_lib, ox_inventory, oxmysql, ox_target, Any Framework
Support Yes