[PAID] [ESX] Car Theift Job

Moved to šŸ•µ Car Theft [ESX] [QBCore]

does an owner of a car loose ownership if sold for parts?

Pretty Cool! I like how it takes apart the Vehicle!

If not that would be an easy way to get money :wink:

would be dope to have an option to transfer the ownership.
Forge documents or sell for parts.
maybe an update?

It cames as option in config will he lose or not

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We can do that in future, for now I am planing doing this:

  • Support for qbcore
  • Cheching vehicle instlled mods (if car has some mods it will be sold for more money)

Looks Great :heart_eyes:

Director Of ESX-Framework :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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thanks for reply

any chance of an update? so you can switch ownership for a price?

will make in few hours, will mention you

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maybe a chance for for police to be called

good script relly good!

you probably mean qbcore and not qbus right?

you know what I ment xd

yeah but the history of qbcore says it all why i said that xD

Update V.1.0.1

Whats New?

  • Added option to resell vehicle to player
  • Added police notification

Config Pic

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Any chance for QB?

When I make iā€™ll notify you

Update V.1.0.2

Whats New?

  • using use_experimental_fxv2_oal instead of use_fxv2_oal
  • code improvement
  • bug with sending same vehicle in parts multiple times is fixed

New version is available at keymaster