[PAID] [ESX] Badge System

Hi, last year I created document system in which you can add as many jobs as you want. Yesterday I thought it might be a good idea to sell this script to the community so I made quick preview video and created tebex package. The script is a simple and also advanced badge system for FiveM, based on ESX framework. You can create as many badges, legitimations, work ids (call it whatever you want) as you need. For every card (badge) you can set custom translations, image, color or even a font size. To show badge or open boss badge managing menu you can use command, export, event or even item - you can enable/disable anything in the configuration file!

Here’s video preview: Youtube preview

Here’s config screenshot:

And here’s how the framework is connected to the script:

The script works on database with tables: users, jobs and job_grades.
If you want the script to be edited especially for your server feel free to contact me to discuss what you want to be changed :wink:

Code is accessible Only configuration and framework files
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~750
Requirements ESX framework (es_extended)
Support Yes

You can buy the script on my Tebex for 2.99EUR!

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