[PAID] [ESX] ATM Robbery

ATM Robbery - SimpleScripts

Maximize your FiveM server’s excitement with our robust ATM Robbery Script. Players can now use thermite to rob multiple ATMs simultaneously, creating an interactive crime experience for all players.



  • Simultaneous ATM Heists: Allows for concurrent robberies at different ATMs.
  • Player Interaction: Every player can engage with the robbery process.
  • ESX Full Support: Compatible with ESX: ESX Legacy, and previous versions.
  • High Customization: Modify settings for robbery timings, rewards, cooldowns, police requirements, and notifications.
  • Adjustable Functions: Fine-tune rewards, police alerts, progress bars, and player notifications for a personalized experience.


Where to purchase

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 400
Requirements ESX Framework & Progress Bars
Support Yes