[PAID][ESX] Artemis Outfit Bag







  • Fast and easy operation: Manage your outfits quickly and efficiently, without any hassle.

  • User-friendly interface: Navigating the Artemis Outfit Bag is a breeze, thanks to its intuitive design.

  • Stunning design: The eye-catching visuals make managing your outfits a truly enjoyable experience.

  • Full translation support: The script comes with complete translation capabilities, making it accessible to players from around the globe.

  • Highly customizable: Tailor the Artemis Outfit Bag to your preferences, with adjustable settings for a personalized experience.

  • ESX compatibility: Seamlessly integrate the script into your ESX-based server for smooth operation.

  • Unlimited outfit storage: Store as many outfits as you desire (configurable limits available for server owners).

[Escrow System]

Our script is protected by the Escrow System.

However, the config and the UI are freely accessible and personalised changes to the source code can be requested on our Discord.


ESX: https://store.artemis-studios.de/category/scripts

Tebex: https://store.artemis-studios.de/

Code is accessible Not everything, just the config and the UI
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 935 (without SQL)
Requirements es_extended (ESX Legacy), oxmysql
Support Yes

Very cool idea and elaboration. Strong work.

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wtf Isn’t this kuzquality outfit bag !!


That was my first thought. Kuzquality doesn’t store as many outfits, but otherwise the same thing.


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Indeed looks oddly similar. I can definitely see where the inspiration for this was taken from lol

And yea, my script can store as many outfits as is configured in the config


Hi swilam1,

We are aware that the outfit bag has some similarities with the outfit bag from Kuzquality.

The outfit bag from Kuzquality served as inspiration for our designer, as it offers a very clear and beautiful design, but nothing was stolen or copied, we don’t work like that!

And if Kuzquality has a problem with the similarity of our outfit bag, he can always contact us and I am sure we will find a solution for both sides.

Nice clean work!!

I don’t know why others think that it has similarities with kuzquality, because firstly, it looks completely different and secondly, you can’t create such a script any other way

The issue I had with KQ’s bag is that it didn’t have the ability to save the skin as the players esx_skin saved skin, so if you used clothing change scripts to do things like take off a hat or something, your whole outfit would revert.

Can you tell me a bit about how yours changes outfits? Is it native GTA, or tied in with esx_skin?

At the moment, changing clothes is linked to esx_skin.

However, we plan to change the clothes independently of esx_skin, this was even available in a beta version of the script, but we decided against it because it caused problems.

What I can say is that we are working on releasing a version of the script that works independently of esx_skin.

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I’d prefer it works with ESX_skin anyway!

Thanks for clarifying, will likely pick this up! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your feedback.

We are already working on an esx_skin free version of the script, which we hope to release soon.

It would be cool to see the following:

  • Target integration, like ox-target
  • Players being able to share outfits with eachother

Hi @Shelby_Moon,

those ideas sound pretty good and I‘m sure, we will implement some of them.

We are currently working on the ability to share outfits between players, but because of other projects we have some delays in development.

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Hi, where is your discord please ? I have a big optimisation issue, even if nobody buy the bag, there is mysql request in loop, and when I got more than 70 player at the same time, I got a lot of freeze (that desapear when I stop the script). Your script is full encrypted so I can’t do anythning by myself, why don’t you request the bag content when a player open the bag ? Can you check to optimise it ? Because now, I can’t use it…