[PAID][ESX] Airsoft

I paid for the script and never received it.

Hey David, I purchases this script when it first came out so I dont have the download on tebex just threw my email. Will the email download link be up to date or do I need to get moved over to tebex?

Hi, write a private message to me which contains the tebex purchase id and I can re-send you the download link through tebex.

[ script:esx_airsoft] SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_airsoft/server/functions.lua:464: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘triggerEvent’) ?

Hi, it seems that you xPlayer object is null and it can’t call the triggerEvent function.

Uploading: لقطة شاشة 2024-06-05 103538.png…



Hi, I’m guessing you are using an older version of ESX which don’t have the RegisterCommand and TriggerServerCallback functions. You need to update your ESX version to a newer one.

I have other problems


Is there a way to cancel the payment through the bank?

The server system does not depend on the bank

Its opening a blank page for the last two links.

Is there a way to cancel the payment through the bank?

The server system does not depend on the bank

As far as I remember the script checks the money at the player, but with a little modification it is possible to check the player’s bank account.