Let me introduce my Dungeon/Raid system. My Biggest release so far.
Script works for both QB Core or Esx framework.
The script, lets Server owner create dungeons / raids where ever you might choose to have them, and they will be added into the lobbie systems list of Dungeons/ Raids to select from.
You can setup raids / Dungeons where evere on the map you want. and players can group up using the Custom UI system where When a player creates a lobby. it will be listet on the list for other players in your server to join.
Each dungeon you config will be listet in the list for players to choose from when creating a custom lobby / Group.
Create password protected lobbies or host your own solo session
Each dungeon will get its own private session / utilalizing Bucket routing multile players can do the same dungeons same location without conflicting. When your group is finished with a dungeon. simply return to the default server session and your dungeon is complete.!
The script includes 4 custom Loot Chest Props
- Normal Loot Chest
- Rare Loot Chest
- Epic Loot Chest
- Legendary Loot Chest
Loot chests was made by my partner from Exemplar Studio
Go check out their store they doing some pretty nice stuff
Exemplar Studios
Showcasing the Custom Loot chests
Script includes a lobby system, so your players / groups / clans / gangs. can create a lobby and post it into the lobbie list. for other players to join if you want to host a private lobby. just put on a password and only your friends can join you.
Showcase of the Custom UI Lobby system
Showcasing of the script in action. ( me doing a test raid with debug mode active for developers view to showcase how the script is working the code out in the dungeon. spawning of new waves. keeping track of spawned enemys in each wave .
Since i coudnt upload full video to tebex directly.
View the full video from start to end on my youtube
Script is very easy to config. you can add as meny enemys / waves you want. and you can costumize each enemy to your likings
- Ped model
- Weapon
- Health
- accuracy
- Damage multiplier
Imma drop a preview of the config.lua for you to see
Config Preview
--β β
--β ββββ βββββββββββ ββββ ββββ ββββββββ ββββββββββββββ ββββββββββ βββββββββββββββββ β
--β βββββ ββββββββββββββββββ βββββ ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ β
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--β ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ βββββββββββ ββββββββββββββββββ βββ ββββββββ β
--β βββ βββ ββββββ ββββββ βββ βββ βββββββββββββββββββ βββββββββ βββ ββββββββ β
--β βββ ββββββ ββββββ βββ ββββββββ ββββββββββ βββββββββ βββ ββββββββ β
Config = {}
Config.framework = "QB" -- ESX / QB
Config.dungeons = {
[1] = {
name = "Humane labs Raid", -- The name that will show in the lobby list.
StartLocation = vector3(3614.33, 3745.72, 28.69),
LootChests = {
spawnLocation = vector4(3539.57, 3665.7, 28.12, 103.02), -- Where the chest will spawn in this dungeon
mode = "random", -- "random" for percentage-based chance, "manual" for a predecided chest
chances = { -- Set the percentage chance for each type of loot chest
normal = 50, -- 50% chance
rare = 30, -- 30% chance
epic = 15, -- 15% chance
legendary = 5 -- 5% chance
-- If mode is "manual", pre-decided chest type will spawn
predecidedChest = "legendary" -- Options: "normal", "rare", "epic", "legendary"
ExitZone = {
coords = vector3(3539.57, 3665.7, 28.12),
radius = 1.5,
showBlip = false, -- Whether to show a blip on the map for the exit
blip = {
sprite = 478, -- Blip icon for exits
color = 2, -- Blip color for the exit
scale = 1.0, -- Blip size/scale for the exit
text = "Dungeon Exit" -- Blip text label for the exit
helpText = "Press E to return to the normal session",
teleportCoords = vector3(1330.0, -750.0, 67.0) -- Coordinates to teleport player to after exiting
Waves = {
Wave1 = {
Enemies = {
[1] = { coords = vector4(3595.5595703125, 3702.5549316406, 29.689420700073, 90.0), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 50, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[2] = { coords = vector4(3602.1552734375, 3707.5034179688, 29.689388275146, 90.0), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 50, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[3] = { coords = vector4(3610.248046875, 3713.4514160156, 29.689388275146, 90.0), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 50, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[4] = { coords = vector4(3605.6096191406, 3723.3898925781, 29.689388275146, 90.0), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 50, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[5] = { coords = vector4(3604.0041503906, 3724.7485351562, 29.689388275146, 90.0), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 50, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[6] = { coords = vector4(3597.8354492188, 3731.5427246094, 29.689388275146, 90.0), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 50, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[7] = { coords = vector4(3593.509765625, 3707.1994628906, 29.689388275146, 90.0), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 50, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[8] = { coords = vector4(3592.7634277344, 3706.1376953125, 29.689388275146, 90.0), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 50, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[9] = { coords = vector4(3593.3706054688, 3695.3383789062, 28.821376800537, 90.0), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 50, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[10] = { coords = vector4(3597.1733398438, 3691.0310058594, 28.821376800537, 90.0), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 50, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 }
Wave2 = {
Enemies = {
[1] = { coords = vector4(3591.4, 3676.29, 27.62, 0.14), weapon = "weapon_assaultrifle", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[2] = { coords = vector4(3582.84, 3682.88, 27.62, 268.57), weapon = "weapon_smg", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[3] = { coords = vector4(3593.03, 3678.69, 27.62, 64.21), weapon = "weapon_carbinerifle", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[4] = { coords = vector4(3591.84, 3686.2, 27.62, 153.85), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[5] = { coords = vector4(3582.84, 3694.44, 27.12, 71.77), weapon = "weapon_advancedrifle", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[6] = { coords = vector4(3569.81, 3693.91, 28.12, 263.36), weapon = "weapon_heavysniper", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[7] = { coords = vector4(3570.2, 3695.2, 28.12, 267.47), weapon = "weapon_combatmg", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 }
Wave3 = {
Enemies = {
[1] = { coords = vector4(3566.18, 3681.35, 28.12, 347.38), weapon = "weapon_combatpistol", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[2] = { coords = vector4(3564.98, 3681.77, 28.12, 346.13), weapon = "weapon_assaultrifle", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[3] = { coords = vector4(3556.34, 3685.19, 28.12, 246.85), weapon = "weapon_smg", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[4] = { coords = vector4(3556.14, 3683.43, 28.12, 261.56), weapon = "weapon_carbinerifle", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[5] = { coords = vector4(3561.0, 3668.34, 28.12, 33.46), weapon = "weapon_advancedrifle", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[6] = { coords = vector4(3561.74, 3672.88, 28.12, 79.07), weapon = "weapon_combatmg", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 60, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 }
Wave4 = {
Enemies = {
[1] = { coords = vector4(3548.38, 3643.74, 28.12, 344.0), weapon = "weapon_assaultrifle", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 80, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[2] = { coords = vector4(3546.83, 3644.39, 28.12, 354.47), weapon = "weapon_carbinerifle", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 80, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[3] = { coords = vector4(3549.34, 3645.91, 28.12, 353.34), weapon = "weapon_pumpshotgun", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 80, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[4] = { coords = vector4(3546.89, 3646.61, 28.12, 341.13), weapon = "weapon_smg", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 80, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[5] = { coords = vector4(3540.78, 3643.67, 28.12, 264.49), weapon = "weapon_combatmg", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 80, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[6] = { coords = vector4(3541.17, 3645.46, 28.12, 249.6), weapon = "weapon_advancedrifle", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 80, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[7] = { coords = vector4(3542.97, 3646.25, 28.12, 247.78), weapon = "weapon_microsmg", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 80, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[8] = { coords = vector4(3530.03, 3669.12, 28.12, 167.88), weapon = "weapon_sawnoffshotgun", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 80, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[9] = { coords = vector4(3532.35, 3666.9, 28.12, 179.69), weapon = "weapon_assaultrifle", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 80, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 },
[10] = { coords = vector4(3538.36, 3664.31, 28.12, 122.54), weapon = "weapon_combatpdw", pedModel = "s_m_y_marine_01", health = 200, armor = 80, accuracy = 75, damageMultiplier = 1 }
-- Add more waves here.
-- add more dungeons / Raids. here.
-- Lobby interaction locations
Config.openLobbyLocations = {
coords = vector3(1343.87, -739.6, 67.09),
radius = 3.0,
showBlip = true, -- Whether to show a blip on the map
blip = {
sprite = 833, -- Blip icon (see https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/)
color = 1, -- Blip color (see https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/)
scale = 1.0, -- Blip size/scale
text = "Open Dungeon Lobby" -- Blip text label
helpText = "Press E to open the dungeon lobby" -- Help text for the lobby
Config.Lootchests = {
normal = {
rolls = { min = 2, max = 3 }, -- How meny times to loot system will roll for an item
items = {
{ item = "weapon_bat", minQuantity = 1, maxQuantity = 3, chance = 50 },
{ item = "weapon_heavypistol", minQuantity = 1, maxQuantity = 2, chance = 50 },
{ item = "weapon_smg", minQuantity = 1, maxQuantity = 2, chance = 60 },
{ item = "pistol_ammo", minQuantity = 10, maxQuantity = 20, chance = 40 },
{ item = "smg_ammo", minQuantity = 10, maxQuantity = 20, chance = 60 }
-- Add more items as needed
rare = {
rolls = { min = 3, max = 5 },
items = {
{ item = "weapon_assaultshotgun", minQuantity = 1, maxQuantity = 2, chance = 30 },
{ item = "weapon_bullpuprifle", minQuantity = 1, maxQuantity = 2, chance = 40 },
{ item = "shotgun_ammo", minQuantity = 10, maxQuantity = 20, chance = 50 },
-- Add more items as needed
epic = {
rolls = { min = 4, max = 7 },
items = {
{ item = "weapon_rpg", minQuantity = 1, maxQuantity = 1, chance = 30 },
{ item = "rocket_ammo", minQuantity = 15, maxQuantity = 20, chance = 70 },
{ item = "armor", minQuantity = 2, maxQuantity = 5, chance = 30 },
-- Add more items as needed
legendary = {
rolls = { min = 8, max = 12 },
items = {
{ item = "weapon_mg", minQuantity = 1, maxQuantity = 1, chance = 25 },
{ item = "weapon_assaultrifle", minQuantity = 1, maxQuantity = 3, chance = 25 },
{ item = "heavyarmor", minQuantity = 1, maxQuantity = 3, chance = 25 },
{ item = "mg_ammo", minQuantity = 1, maxQuantity = 3, chance = 25 }
-- Add more items as needed
-- DEBUG MODE. It adds a hell of tons of prints helping you setup your dungeons before launching them into your live server.
-- It also adds enemy state above each enemy peds head, to see if they dead or alive. ( i used it while coding to control wave spawning.)
-- a few commands is added to use for dev setup of dungeons.
-- /checkbucket . it will print your current bucket / session
-- joinbucket "number" . will place u in the choosed bucket / session
-- /openui . It will open the UI interface without you having to enter the circle set in config :)
-- for loot testing i made a a few commands to spawn chests
-- /spawnchest1 . this spawns a Normal chest and you can open and loot it to test your rolls
-- /spawnchest2 . this spawns a Rare chest and you can open and loot it to test your rolls
-- /spawnchest3 . this spawns a Epic chest and you can open and loot it to test your rolls
-- /spawnchest4 . this spawns a Legendary chest and you can open and loot it to test your rolls ```
Script is for sale now on my tebex
Join my discord for Any support regarding the scriptβ¦
Check out my other releases
Map releases
Isolation zone / Quarantine
Downtown / Legion Sqare Apocalypse
Vinewood Planecrash Apocalypse map
Mirror Park Safezone / Apocalypse map
Script releases
Hazard Zones QB CORE
Hazard Zones ESX
Power Stations QB CORE
Code is accessible | partially |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 2800 |
Requirements | QB-CORE / ESX |
Support | Full Support |
Assets are accessible | yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Polygons (model and LOD) | 12.500 LOD0, 3.000 LOD1,2,3 |
Texture size and amount | 1024x1024 (17), 512x512 (5), 64x64 (1) |
Requirements & dependencies | FiveM Server Build 2802 or + |
Support | Full Support |