[PAID] Electronic Anklet & Phone Tracker GPS System



  • Modern UI
  • Track a player phone
  • Create a New Electronic anklet with a new Tablet
  • Works with items, anklet and cutters
  • Remove an electronic anklet with cutters ( for police and criminals)
  • Send alert when a player add or remove an electronic anklet
  • Set a custom tag for each electronic anklet
  • Set a max range for the anklet, with alerts for police job
  • Add a prop to player anklet
  • Enable / Disable map blips from tablet
  • Persistent anklet prop on restart / relog
  • Persistent anklets on server restart
  • Persistent anklets on player relog (criminal or officer)
  • Remove blips when a player drop the server
  • Vehicle Tracker (work with item)
  • Jammer item to disturb car tracker
  • Log System with discord
  • Works with all DB, you can edit the query from config
  • Works with all notification systems (esx already integrated)
  • Works with all emotes script !NEW!
  • Fully configurable config
  • Work with OneSync
  • Resmon 0.0
  • Translation IT, EN, ES, FR, DE


Config = {}

Config.Maximumboundary = 5000.0

Config.Local = "en" -- it,es,fr,en,de Transaltion

Config.Props = true --Enable props when add a new tracker

Config.RpEmotes = true --Enable tablet prop when you opne the tablet with /tracker
-- You need RpEmotes script  exports["rpemotes"]:EmoteCommandStart("tablet", nil)

Config.Cont = 5 --Duration for phone traker map blips (Current: 5 * 5000 = 25 seconds)

Config.AuthorizedJobShare = {
    ['police'] = true,
    ['sheriff'] = false,
    ['fbi'] = false,
    ['army'] = false

Config.TargetBlipInformations = {
    Sprite = 459,
    Color = 2,
    Scale = 1.4,
    Display = 2

Config.RemoveItemsUponUsage = {BoltCutter = true}
-- you need to create the item
Config.ItemNames = {BoltCutter = 'tronchesi'}

Config.InstallTimes = {
    Tracker = 5, -- How Many seconds will take to install the tracker
    BoltCutter = 7 -- how many seconds will take to deattach the tracker

--Db Phone query ('SELECT '..Config.DbIdentifier ..' FROM '..Config.PhoneDbTable..' WHERE '..Config.DbPhoneNumber ..' = @phone_number')

Config.PhoneDbTable = "users" -- users db table

Config.DbIdentifier = "identifier" --identifier field inside users db table

Config.DbPhoneNumber = "phone_number" --phone field inside users db table

Config.Notification = function(message, type) -- You can change here events for notifications
    --es client side =  Config.Notification(Config.Notifications["TOOK_OFF_SEATBELT"].message, Config.Notifications["TOOK_OFF_SEATBELT"].type)
    TriggerEvent("esx:showNotification", message, type)

Config.Translate = {
    blips_off = "Blips disattivati",
    blips_on = "Blips attivati",
    leave = "Evaso il player con cavigliera: ",
    invalid_limit = "Inserisci un limite valido",
    max_range = "Inserisci un numero inferiore come confine. Massimo: ",
    tracked = "Il bersaglio ha giĂ  un braccialetto di tracciamento.",
    no_player = "Non c\'Ăš nessun giocatore vicino a te",
    removed = "Rimosso con successo il tracker",
    no_tracker = "Il bersaglio non ha il braccialetto di tracciamento.",
    quit = "Uscito il player con cavigliera: ",
    cut = "Someone cut an anklet",
    success = "Cavigliera aggiunta con successo",

Config.TranslateEN = {
    blips_off = "Blips deactivated",
    blips_on = "Blips activated",
    leave = "Player escaped with ankle monitor: ",
    invalid_limit = "Please enter a valid limit",
    max_range = "Please enter a number lower as boundary. Maximum: ",
    tracked = "The target already has a tracking bracelet.",
    no_player = "There is no player near you",
    removed = "Successfully removed the tracker",
    no_tracker = "The target does not have a tracking bracelet.",
    quit = "Player left the server with ankle monitor: ",
    cut = "Someone cut an anklet",
    success = "Done",


Config.TranslateFR = {
    blips_off = "Blips désactivés",
    blips_on = "Blips activés",
    leave = "Joueur s'est échappé avec un bracelet de cheville : ",
    invalid_limit = "Veuillez entrer une limite valide",
    max_range = "Veuillez entrer un nombre inférieur comme limite. Maximum : ",
    tracked = "La cible a déjà un bracelet de suivi.",
    no_player = "Il n'y a aucun joueur à proximité de vous",
    removed = "Le tracker a été retiré avec succÚs",
    no_tracker = "La cible n'a pas de bracelet de suivi.",
    quit = "Player left the server with ankle monitor: ",
    cut = "Someone cut an anklet",
    success = "Done",


Config.TranslateES = {
    blips_off = "Blips desactivados",
    blips_on = "Blips activados",
    leave = "Jugador escapĂł con tobillera: ",
    invalid_limit = "Por favor, ingresa un lĂ­mite vĂĄlido",
    max_range = "Por favor, ingresa un nĂșmero mĂĄs bajo como lĂ­mite. MĂĄximo: ",
    tracked = "El objetivo ya tiene una pulsera de seguimiento.",
    no_player = "No hay ningĂșn jugador cerca de ti",
    removed = "Se ha eliminado con Ă©xito el rastreador",
    no_tracker = "El objetivo no tiene una pulsera de seguimiento.",
    quit = "Player left the server with ankle monitor: ",
    cut = "Someone cut an anklet",
    success = "Done",


Config.TranslateDE = {
    blips_off = "Blips deaktiviert",
    blips_on = "Blips aktiviert",
    leave = "Spieler ist mit Fußfessel entkommen: ",
    invalid_limit = "Bitte geben Sie eine gĂŒltige Begrenzung ein",
    max_range = "Bitte geben Sie eine niedrigere Zahl als Grenzwert ein. Maximal: ",
    tracked = "Das Ziel hat bereits ein Tracking-Armband.",
    no_player = "Es gibt keinen Spieler in Ihrer NĂ€he",
    removed = "Der Tracker wurde erfolgreich entfernt",
    no_tracker = "Das Ziel hat keine Tracking-Armband.",
    quit = "Player left the server with ankle monitor: ",
    cut = "Someone cut an anklet",
    success = "Done",



Ruxo Shop | Electronic Anklet Tracker System (tebex.io)

Credits: Boston George/ D4ndi & Ruxo

More Scripts

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

would be awesome if you added the ability to track a car with this similar to the phone put in the plate you know but have an item that a person can have on them called an EMP that can jam the signal of the tracker for the vehicle and/ or an item to remove said tracker from the vehicle completely

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it can be done in the next update, but you have to place the tracker on the car otherwise it’s too op if it works only knowing the license plate.

New Update:

  • New Car Tracker (work with item)
  • Jammer item to disturb car tracker
  • Log System with discord

qbcore release? :smiley:

Stay tuned, QB Version will be realesed in next days

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New offers for October 31st ! :jack_o_lantern:

paid for it now get this error script:es_extended] SCRIPT ERROR: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:739: SCRIPT ERROR: tracker_system was unable to execute a query!
[ script:es_extended] Query: SELECT * FROM tracker WHERE owner = ?
[ script:es_extended] [“char1:997c84404fa2b0e9f7930f170f076e07336028e8”]
[ script:es_extended] Table ‘esxlegacy_d0ae9c.tracker’ doesn’t exist

Import SQL file to your database pls

I have done this thanks for sending i did think the script should of come with an sql now im having issues with a rp emotes export yet i use dp emotes and have rp emotes marked as false in the config

Hi Fuzion, you can now download last update, you can use the tacker system with all emotes script, or disable them in cofing. Thank you for the support :smiley:

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Works great great update thanks

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