- Modern UI
- Track a player phone
- Create a New Electronic anklet with a new Tablet
- Works with items, anklet and cutters
- Remove an electronic anklet with cutters ( for police and criminals)
- Send alert when a player add or remove an electronic anklet
- Set a custom tag for each electronic anklet
- Set a max range for the anklet, with alerts for police job
- Add a prop to player anklet
- Enable / Disable map blips from tablet
- Persistent anklet prop on restart / relog
- Persistent anklets on server restart
- Persistent anklets on player relog (criminal or officer)
- Remove blips when a player drop the server
- Vehicle Tracker (work with item)
- Jammer item to disturb car tracker
- Log System with discord
- Works with all DB, you can edit the query from config
- Works with all notification systems (esx already integrated)
- Works with all emotes script !NEW!
- Fully configurable config
- Work with OneSync
- Resmon 0.0
- Translation IT, EN, ES, FR, DE
Config = {}
Config.Maximumboundary = 5000.0
Config.Local = "en" -- it,es,fr,en,de Transaltion
Config.Props = true --Enable props when add a new tracker
Config.RpEmotes = true --Enable tablet prop when you opne the tablet with /tracker
-- You need RpEmotes script exports["rpemotes"]:EmoteCommandStart("tablet", nil)
Config.Cont = 5 --Duration for phone traker map blips (Current: 5 * 5000 = 25 seconds)
Config.AuthorizedJobShare = {
['police'] = true,
['sheriff'] = false,
['fbi'] = false,
['army'] = false
Config.TargetBlipInformations = {
Sprite = 459,
Color = 2,
Scale = 1.4,
Display = 2
Config.RemoveItemsUponUsage = {BoltCutter = true}
-- you need to create the item
Config.ItemNames = {BoltCutter = 'tronchesi'}
Config.InstallTimes = {
Tracker = 5, -- How Many seconds will take to install the tracker
BoltCutter = 7 -- how many seconds will take to deattach the tracker
--Db Phone query ('SELECT '..Config.DbIdentifier ..' FROM '..Config.PhoneDbTable..' WHERE '..Config.DbPhoneNumber ..' = @phone_number')
Config.PhoneDbTable = "users" -- users db table
Config.DbIdentifier = "identifier" --identifier field inside users db table
Config.DbPhoneNumber = "phone_number" --phone field inside users db table
Config.Notification = function(message, type) -- You can change here events for notifications
--es client side = Config.Notification(Config.Notifications["TOOK_OFF_SEATBELT"].message, Config.Notifications["TOOK_OFF_SEATBELT"].type)
TriggerEvent("esx:showNotification", message, type)
Config.Translate = {
blips_off = "Blips disattivati",
blips_on = "Blips attivati",
leave = "Evaso il player con cavigliera: ",
invalid_limit = "Inserisci un limite valido",
max_range = "Inserisci un numero inferiore come confine. Massimo: ",
tracked = "Il bersaglio ha giĂ un braccialetto di tracciamento.",
no_player = "Non c\'Ăš nessun giocatore vicino a te",
removed = "Rimosso con successo il tracker",
no_tracker = "Il bersaglio non ha il braccialetto di tracciamento.",
quit = "Uscito il player con cavigliera: ",
cut = "Someone cut an anklet",
success = "Cavigliera aggiunta con successo",
Config.TranslateEN = {
blips_off = "Blips deactivated",
blips_on = "Blips activated",
leave = "Player escaped with ankle monitor: ",
invalid_limit = "Please enter a valid limit",
max_range = "Please enter a number lower as boundary. Maximum: ",
tracked = "The target already has a tracking bracelet.",
no_player = "There is no player near you",
removed = "Successfully removed the tracker",
no_tracker = "The target does not have a tracking bracelet.",
quit = "Player left the server with ankle monitor: ",
cut = "Someone cut an anklet",
success = "Done",
Config.TranslateFR = {
blips_off = "Blips désactivés",
blips_on = "Blips activés",
leave = "Joueur s'est échappé avec un bracelet de cheville : ",
invalid_limit = "Veuillez entrer une limite valide",
max_range = "Veuillez entrer un nombre inférieur comme limite. Maximum : ",
tracked = "La cible a déjà un bracelet de suivi.",
no_player = "Il n'y a aucun joueur à proximité de vous",
removed = "Le tracker a été retiré avec succÚs",
no_tracker = "La cible n'a pas de bracelet de suivi.",
quit = "Player left the server with ankle monitor: ",
cut = "Someone cut an anklet",
success = "Done",
Config.TranslateES = {
blips_off = "Blips desactivados",
blips_on = "Blips activados",
leave = "Jugador escapĂł con tobillera: ",
invalid_limit = "Por favor, ingresa un lĂmite vĂĄlido",
max_range = "Por favor, ingresa un nĂșmero mĂĄs bajo como lĂmite. MĂĄximo: ",
tracked = "El objetivo ya tiene una pulsera de seguimiento.",
no_player = "No hay ningĂșn jugador cerca de ti",
removed = "Se ha eliminado con Ă©xito el rastreador",
no_tracker = "El objetivo no tiene una pulsera de seguimiento.",
quit = "Player left the server with ankle monitor: ",
cut = "Someone cut an anklet",
success = "Done",
Config.TranslateDE = {
blips_off = "Blips deaktiviert",
blips_on = "Blips aktiviert",
leave = "Spieler ist mit FuĂfessel entkommen: ",
invalid_limit = "Bitte geben Sie eine gĂŒltige Begrenzung ein",
max_range = "Bitte geben Sie eine niedrigere Zahl als Grenzwert ein. Maximal: ",
tracked = "Das Ziel hat bereits ein Tracking-Armband.",
no_player = "Es gibt keinen Spieler in Ihrer NĂ€he",
removed = "Der Tracker wurde erfolgreich entfernt",
no_tracker = "Das Ziel hat keine Tracking-Armband.",
quit = "Player left the server with ankle monitor: ",
cut = "Someone cut an anklet",
success = "Done",
Ruxo Shop | Electronic Anklet Tracker System (tebex.io)
Credits: Boston George/ D4ndi & Ruxo
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Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1000 |
Requirements | ESX |
Support | Yes |