[PAID] Easter Egg Hunt Competition

:rabbit::egg: Introducing the Ultimate Easter Experience for your FiveM Server! :egg::rabbit:

Elevate the fun and excitement on your FiveM server this Easter with our brand-new Easter Egg Hunt script! Perfect for server owners looking to offer their players a fresh and festive experience, our resource has been designed with customization, convenience, and enjoyment in mind.


:mag: The Hunt Is On! :mag:

Players will embark on an exhilarating journey across the map, discovering multiple different configurable Easter Egg props in your chosen locations. Upon finding an egg, they simply press E, triggering a delightful animation and an optional, configurable progress bar. Our fail-safe system ensures players can’t collect the same egg multiple times, preserving the spirit of the hunt.

:bar_chart: Track Progress and Compete with Style :bar_chart:

Our sleek, Apple iPad-inspired UI keeps players informed and engaged with a global scoreboard, accessible via command, export, or key bind. Want to make it your own? Customize the background image, colors, and styles easily, thanks to our open-source frontend and config files. When a player opens the leaderboard, the script will freeze them in position and perform an animation using a tablet prop. The prop is synced server-sided so that all players can see it too.

Optional Compatibility

:trophy: Raise the Stakes with Prizes :trophy:

Server owners could up the ante by rewarding the top egg hunter with special prizes, such as in-game items, vehicles, weapons, or cash. The possibilities with this product are endless!

:wrench: Seamless Compatibility and Optional Dependencies :wrench:

Our Easter Egg Hunt script is compatible with both mysql-async or oxmysql, ensuring smooth integration with your server. Optionally, enhance the experience with progress bars or use a wait time instead and we also have added compatibility for spawning multiple random props rather than just one!


:vhs: Video Preview :vhs:

:gear: Config Preview :gear:


:shopping_cart: Purchase on our Tebex :shopping_cart:

Don’t miss out on this egg-citing opportunity to add a festive twist to your FiveM server this Easter season! Get our Easter Egg Hunt script now and watch your players hop with joy! :rabbit2::star2:

Check out my other work!

[ESX/QBCore/Standalone] Armour Anti RPF (modified cheat files) - FiveM Resource Development & Modding / Releases - Cfx.re Community

[PAID] Armour AntiCheat - FiveM Resource Development & Modding / Releases - Cfx.re Community

Code is accessible Config & Frontend
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500+
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

This looks great! is this Open source or Escrowed? Any plans to support Target?

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Config and Frontend are Open Source, lua is escrowed. :slight_smile:
Can potentially support target on custom request, the reason I decided against it was I am not sure which is the most widely used and once you make one compatible, you have to do them all otherwise you cut the audience for the script by 50% :smiley:

Target is overrated af. E army ftw.

Cool little script!


Thank you! Adding compatibility for custom props shortly!

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I do wish it was ready for ox_inventory (works with standalone)… but otherwise awesome. Just bought it

It is standalone, there is no need for inventory compatibility :smiley:
We could add easter egg items, if people are interested in that, but then we would need to make it framework specific.

Thanks for your purchase!

Multiple Custom Prop compatibility added. You can now add your own easter egg props in and the script will randomly select one of them to spawn in your configured locations.

Please note leaderboard dependency issue

This happens when I try to do /showLeaderboard


Config.PropName = {



I’m trying to add more than one egg so it can randomly choose one. But this doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas?

Please make a ticket in our Discord so that we are able to support you :slight_smile:

Also it looks like you need to update the script. That is an old version.

very chaddy script

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Hey there :slight_smile: just bought this but the tablet gets stuck in our hands when we close it :confused:

Also get this error if no one started yet but looks at the scoreboard:

That’s not an error, it’s just that nobody has started the competition yet and you have Debug Mode on. Turn debug mode off if you don’t want to see the console prints.

The prop getting stuck in your hand is a common FiveM issue.
You can resolve it by adding a /propstuck command.

Just add the following to any client-side file in your server:

RegisterCommand('propstuck', function()
    for k, v in pairs(GetGamePool('CObject')) do
        if IsEntityAttachedToEntity(PlayerPedId(), v) then
            SetEntityAsMissionEntity(v, true, true)

Please make a ticket in our Discord server and we can support you.

Script updated for removing of props stuck in hand.

how the get the script the purchase link is down

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