[PAID] E-Scooter with real animation

PRICE: 24.99€ + VAT

Contain those animations:

  • Entering from left and right side

  • Exiting from left and right side

  • Leaning forward and backward

  • Leaning on sides

  • Still / Still to Sit

  • Sit / Sit to Still

  • Rammed from forward, backward, left and right

  • Jump Off on left and right side

Video preview:

Screenshots (click to expand):

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| Code is accessible       | N/A |
| Subscription-based       | No |
| Lines (approximately)    | N/A |
| Requirements             | N/A |
| Support                  | Yes |

Nice bro but its to much


Finally a scooter with a realistic posture!
Good job @Tiwabs :fire:


Too much, bud.
But about the product, looking really good.


Nice job bro :fire:

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cool but a bit expensive

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nice but 25 is a bit much

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Still waiting for a video. It shouldn’t take that long to record a simple video.

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i know from experience that it takes alot to make videos on the same computer that you make releases on.The videos sometimes come out skippy asf depending on how much crap/ideas you have on ur computer etc. XD its usually better to get someone else to do it. but that costs money id imagine.

why is it that i see ppl complaining about prices on literally every post? back before rockstar bought out cfx, i feel like there was less brokies on here.

very good idea, and works perfectly, I recommend :slight_smile:

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Now that I’ve seen the video. It looks interesting, I might get it later.

it’s not about being broke, it’s about over charging.


Can it be an item for ox inventory? or is it just like a replace of a bike out in the city or u got to buy it as a bike ing?

Dose it work for esx?

it’s a vehicle like a bike so it work without script, if you need to make a item you need to make your own logic

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25 is a way to much for this…

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find it cheaper somewhere else then? isnt that how things work? :joy:

Good work :raised_hands:

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Absolutely love this, the overall model looks great and not a lot of creators go the extra mile to do the custom animations with it. However, that aside, I tend to agree with a lot of the others here, $25 feels a little steep for a single model with custom animations. But unlike everyone complaining without providing any reasoning, I’ll give a bit of thought behind why I tend to agree with the sentiment.

When it comes to the people like @Saveaprincess calling people “brokies” and speaking from a silver spoon, that stuff is entirely toxic and unnecessary. I think people like them tend to forget how expensive running a server can be for some communities, there are VPS Hosting fees, CFX’s Patreon to use EUP + Have More Player Slots, CAD Systems (such as Sonoran or Rocket CAD which have premium subscriptions), and not to mention most servers also have a subscription to Gabz or other MLO bundle/subscription from other creator(s). For example, the server I am a part of, spends over $100 per month in all our fees combined based on the various expenditures mentioned above, which leaves very little wiggle room to obtain new stuff when creators overprice their resources. All in all, running a server (especially if it’s only one or two people) in today’s economy with inflated everything, isn’t the cheapest thing to do. People do have other financial obligations outside of FiveM after all, not everybody makes $25+ an hour at their jobs or has rich parents to give them whatever their hearts desire.

Now I do understand that creators have to work hard and spend a lot of time and effort to create their resources to be released, however there is a very fine line between setting a reasonable price for ones efforts, and over-charging in an environment that already runs people’s wallets ragged. Just some food for thought.

Price is a bit steep and could be just a little cheaper (suggested $10-$15),but overall it’s a great model and the fact it comes with custom animations is definitely better than all of the free alternatives that exist.

I’m not the creator of the scooter mod, but I’ve been closely involved in its development and have seen firsthand the hard work that goes into it. It’s surprising to see people quickly criticize the price without really understanding what it takes to make something like this. Sure, there are plenty of guides out there on creating custom vehicles, but this mod is special. It involved a lot of custom animation work, something you can’t just find a tutorial for. This wasn’t about making a few simple changes; it was about creating 35-40 unique animations to get the scooter to work the way it does now.

If you’re not happy with the price, that’s okay. Feel free to pass on it and maybe find a free, less detailed scooter mod elsewhere. But please, think twice before you criticize the price or the work. It’s not just about the technical side of making something; it’s about the creativity, the research, and the effort that goes into making something truly unique.