[Paid] Dune Buggy Race for ESX (9.99£)


This script adds a really fun race ‘minigame’ that allows players to compete with eachother!
Not only is this a fun little addition to the server but its also great for RP, full list of features and planned features are listed below:

Store link!


  • Great performance (0.0 when not doing anything and 0.02 when racing!)
  • Great configuration options.
  • Server-side race timer.
  • Start countdown.
  • Race finish effect.
  • Nice scoreboard UI with pagination.
  • Race time stored in database.
  • Race will automatically fail if player exits vehicle or drives too far away.
  • Multi-character support.
  • Race cost support.
  • Support for race vehicle configuration.
  • Random livery and color.
  • And a ton more!

Planned features that will be added in the next update:

  • 1 vs 1 racing.
  • Betting between racers.
  • Spectator mode in form of dashcam and drone view.
  • Custom race YMAP.
  • Random race path.
  • And more!

Config example:

Config                      = {}
Config.RaceCost             = 400                                                   -- How much it should cost to start a race.
Config.MaxOffCourse         = 800                                                   -- How far away from off the racing course the player can go.
Config.RaceVehicle          = 'trophytruck'                                         -- The vehicle to spawn and race in.
Config.CheckpointMarker     = 6                                                     -- Marker type for checkpoint circles.
Config.StartMarker          = 27                                                    -- Marker type for starting the race.
Config.ScoreMarker          = 27                                                    -- Marker type for the scoreboard.
Config.SpawnHeading         = 283.0                                                 -- What heading the vehicle should have when spawning.
Config.SpawnCoords          = vector3(2946.2, 2746.88, 43.41)                       -- Coordinates to spawn the vehicle at.
Config.StartCoords          = vector3(2952.02, 2754.62, 42.48)                      -- Coordinates where the player can start the race.
Config.ScoreCoords          = vector3(2828.59, 2804.56, 56.48)                      -- Coordinates where players can see scoreboard.
Config.TextStrings          = {                                                     -- Texts that are displayed to the user.
    Start       = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to start racing! (~g~$~w~'..Config.RaceCost..')',
    Scoreboard  = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to view scoreboard!',
    Prepare     = '~r~GET READY!',
    Footer      = '~r~DON\'T FORGET YOUR SEATBELT!',
    Go          = '~g~GOO!',
    InProgress  = 'Someone is already driving!',
    OffCourse   = 'Race failed!',
    NoMoney     = 'You don\'t have enough money!'
Config.MapMarkers           = {                                                     -- Settings for race and scoreboard markers.
    [1] = {
        Coords  = Config.StartCoords,
        Sprite  = 127,
        Display = 4,
        Scale   = 1.0,
        Colour  = 4,
        Name    = 'Buggy Race'
    [2] = {
        Coords  = Config.ScoreCoords,
        Sprite  = 304,
        Display = 4,
        Scale   = 1.0,
        Colour  = 4,
        Name    = 'Race Scoreboard'
Config.VehicleMods          = {                                                     -- Mods to apply to the racing vehicle.
    modEngine       = 2,
    modBrakes       = 2,
    modTransmission = 2,
    modSuspension   = 3,
    modTurbo        = true,
    modLivery       = 0
Config.Checkpoints          = {                                                     -- All race checkpoints.
    [1]  = vector3(2976.68, 2754.35, 42.99),
    [2]  = vector3(2979.95, 2810.08, 44.11),
    [3]  = vector3(2918.09, 2826.34, 53.64),
    [4]  = vector3(2912.64, 2759.12, 53.48),
    [5]  = vector3(2991.98, 2720.55, 56.87),
    [6]  = vector3(3051.45, 2758.29, 66.10),
    [7]  = vector3(3020.93, 2841.50, 72.25),
    [8]  = vector3(3029.15, 2899.61, 72.69),
    [9]  = vector3(3032.43, 2976.48, 70.98),
    [10] = vector3(2981.40, 2939.93, 79.01),
    [11] = vector3(3011.29, 2945.34, 66.54),
    [12] = vector3(2971.76, 2888.95, 58.70),
    [13] = vector3(2906.24, 2856.68, 63.64),
    [14] = vector3(2787.24, 2937.22, 41.31),
    [15] = vector3(2633.33, 2916.09, 35.96),
    [16] = vector3(2612.75, 2845.84, 35.83),
    [17] = vector3(2710.06, 2846.48, 38.58),
    [18] = vector3(2742.46, 2912.06, 35.83),
    [19] = vector3(2634.85, 2918.85, 36.07),
    [20] = vector3(2785.80, 2904.68, 37.65),
    [21] = vector3(2791.66, 2796.37, 40.31),
    [22] = vector3(2733.23, 2740.90, 40.67),
    [23] = vector3(2827.60, 2781.48, 57.21),
    [24] = vector3(2898.22, 2722.95, 71.41),
    [25] = vector3(3015.71, 2700.97, 73.81),
    [26] = vector3(3034.54, 2873.69, 83.74),
    [27] = vector3(3036.05, 3006.65, 83.09),
    [28] = vector3(2947.86, 2932.87, 89.03),
    [29] = vector3(2816.85, 2961.91, 58.87),
    [30] = vector3(2754.54, 2955.03, 39.68),
    [31] = vector3(2873.55, 2811.64, 53.87),
    [32] = vector3(2932.12, 2835.37, 49.36),
    [33] = vector3(2970.03, 2747.71, 42.71)

Video preview:

(This video uses the script translated into swedish but the script is in english!)



Video preview for this would be awesome

I tried recording a preview but I had some issues with stuttering in the video, if I can figure out a fix for that Ill upload a video! :smile:

Heyo its nice, i like it :slight_smile:

Just a Hint from coder to coder:

you cant use curdate() anymore in mysql as current date default. I needed to change that to

And it will work everywhere. :slight_smile:

You need to change that in the script itself then too when u insert the date ^^.

Nice script! But i have an idea. Make it so you can make seperate races. So you can have one for offroad and maybe 1 for a city race.

Please make it for VRP…

Nice script, but this needs more functions like, waypoints and the ability to create Races. and is this a race for multiple people?

I was not aware of that, I use latest MariaDB and curdate worked fine but thank you for the input Ill fix that asap!

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Really nice script only I get an error message

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That error can be ignored, it does not affect the script in any way.
Its just that it tries to access a non-existing vector3 when finishing a race!
I can fix that in a future update!

If possible, see why the vehicle is not there from time to time or after the player so that the player is in the car spawn

Sometimes it works without any problems, but very often it doesn’t work that I’m perfect in the car

I’m not sure I fully understand what you mean, send me a PM here on the forum and we can dicuss there instead of filling this thread with posts! :smile:

good job man

Lovely :heart_eyes:

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Very good! Will buy for sure!

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Thats dope! :smiley: