Howdy folks,
im proud to present to you my new Advanced Billing System.
This System allows you to create private and Job Bills.
Get it here:
Showcase Video:
Feature List
| Detailed user interface
Detailed User Interface with Input fields for reason and amount. You can also disable the UI and only use Menus. -
| Create Private and Job / Company Bills
Company Bills Supports: dl-society, mega_companies & syn_society
See all created and open Bills. Also see all Bills created by your fellow Employees. -
| Pay bills when you want
After you accept a Bill you can pay it when you want. You can even Pay Bills from offline Players. -
| Various Setups
Decide which Job should be able to create Bills. You can also setup Auto Accept Bills for Jobs (for example if you dont want players to be able to reject sheriff bills) -
| Custom Configurations
100% Translateable
Translation = {}
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.SharedJobBills = {'testjob1','testjob2'}
Config.AutoAcceptBills = {'sheriff'}
Config.SocietySystem = "dl_society" -- Options: dl_society, mega_companies, syn_society
Config.PlayerDistance = 3.0 -- If you dont use NPlayerSelector
Config.UseNPlayerSelector = true -- Otherwise using nearest player by PlayerDistance
Config.UseUI = true
Translation = {
['de'] = {
['mainmenutitle'] = 'Rechnungen',
['mainmenusubtext'] = 'Rechnungen erstellen und eigene ansehen',
['bills'] = 'Meine Rechnungen',
['bills_desc'] = 'Sieh dir deine zu zahlenden Rechnungen an',
['give_bill'] = 'Rechnung ausstellen',
['give_bill_desc'] = 'Stelle eine Rechnung aus',
['bills_open'] = 'Private ausgestellte Rechnungen',
['bills_open_desc'] = 'Sehe von dir ausgestellte Rechnungen an',
['bills_job_open'] = 'Firmen Rechnungen',
['bills_job_open_desc'] = 'Sehe von deiner Firma ausgestellte offene Rechnungen an',
['pay_bill_label'] = 'Rechnung von:',
['pay_bill'] = 'Bezahle die Rechnung',
['open_bill_label'] = 'Rechnung an:',
['open_bills_title'] = 'Offene Rechnungen',
['open_job_bills_title'] = 'Offene Firmen Rechnungen',
['payed_bill_message'] = 'Du hast eine Rechnung bezahlt',
['your_bill_got_payed'] = 'Eine von dir ausgestellte Rechnung wurde bezahlt',
['not_enough_money'] = 'Du hast nicht genügend Geld!',
['create_bill'] = "Rechnung erstellen",
['create_bill_own'] = 'Private Rechnung erstellen',
['create_bill_job'] = 'Firmen Rechnung erstellen',
['create_bill_reason'] = 'Grund',
['create_bill_reason_button'] = 'Grund eintragen',
['create_bill_amount'] = 'Betrag',
['create_bill_amount_button'] = 'Betrag eintragen',
['invalid'] = "Ungültiger betrag",
['invalid_data'] = "Bitte trage einen Grund und den Betrag ein!",
['invalid_distance'] = "Keine Spieler in der nähe",
['invalid_length'] = "Der Grund ist zu lang. Bitte kürzen.",
['accept_billing_menu'] = "Rechnung akzeptieren?",
['dialog_accept'] = 'Rechnung annehmen',
['dialog_reject'] = 'Rechnung ablehnen',
['bill_rejected'] = 'Deine Rechnung wurde abgelehnt',
['target_bill_accepted'] = 'Du hast die Rechnung akzeptiert.',
['target_bill_rejected'] = 'Du hast die Rechnung abgelehnt.',
['bill_accepted'] = 'Deine Rechnung wurde akzeptiert.',
['en'] = {
['mainmenutitle'] = 'Bills',
['mainmenusubtext'] = 'Create a Bill and show my Bills',
['bills'] = 'My Bills',
['bills_desc'] = 'Look at the bills you have to pay',
['give_bill'] = 'Hand over invoice',
['give_bill_desc'] = 'Give invoice',
['bills_open'] = 'Private issued invoices',
['bills_open_desc'] = 'View invoices you have issued',
['bills_job_open'] = 'Company invoices',
['bills_job_open_desc'] = 'View outstanding invoices issued by your company',
['pay_bill_label'] = 'Bill from:',
['pay_bill'] = 'Pay the bill',
['open_bill_label'] = 'Bill to:',
['open_bills_title'] = 'Open invoices',
['open_job_bills_title'] = 'Open company invoices',
['payed_bill_message'] = 'You paid a bill',
['your_bill_got_payed'] = 'An invoice you issued has been paid',
['not_enough_money'] = 'You dont have enough money!',
['create_bill'] = "Create a Bill",
['create_bill_own'] = 'Create private invoice',
['create_bill_job'] = 'Create company invoice',
['create_bill_reason'] = 'Reason',
['create_bill_reason_button'] = 'Enter reason',
['create_bill_amount'] = 'Amount',
['create_bill_amount_button'] = 'Enter Amount',
['invalid'] = "Invalid amount",
['invalid_data'] = "Please enter a reason and the amount!",
['invalid_distance'] = "No players around",
['invalid_length'] = "The reason is too long. Please shorten.",
['accept_billing_menu'] = "Accept invoice?",
['dialog_accept'] = 'Accept bill',
['dialog_reject'] = 'Reject invoice',
['bill_rejected'] = 'Your invoice has been declined',
['target_bill_accepted'] = 'You accepted the bill.',
['target_bill_rejected'] = 'You declined the bill.',
['bill_accepted'] = 'Your invoice has been accepted.',
| Code is accessible | No(Only UI and JS) |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 1k |
| Requirements | menuapi, vorpcore, oxmysql |
| Support | Yes |