[PAID] Discord Linked Admin System

Discord Linked Admin System!

The permission based system you are looking for on your FiveM server.


Manage your FiveM players by using this OneSync Legacy compatible admin system all based on discord permissions! Utilize your discord permissions through our Discord API.

This script allows you to perform commands on your self as well as other players, whilst wearing you admin, supporter or tester tag. Take a look at all the features below!

It is as easy as it sounds and if you require assistance with installation you can contact us anytime!

And again, simple, lightweight and straight forward for a fair price!



  • Discord API dependency.
  • Optional: bulletin UI integration. Download link is in the config.lua.
  • Command based admin system (25+ commands). More coming in future releases!
  • Configurable Discord logging (Webhooks).
  • Permission based (Discord API).
  • Admin duty system.
  • Admin & staff report system.
  • Supporter duty system.
  • Optional weather system.
  • DevTest duty system.
  • Almost everything is configurable.
  • OneSync legacy compatible.
  • Developer friendly: partial open client and server files to edit all kinds of things to your liking.
  • Free updates, suggest your ideas!
  • Escrow protected.


  • Added export functions for admin duty, tester duty and staff duty.
  • Fixed invisibility issue.

Exports return true or false

   local isOnADuty = exports['night_admins']:CheckADuty(src)
   local isOnSDuty = exports['night_admins']:CheckSDuty(src)
   local isOnTDuty = exports['night_admins']:CheckTDuty(src)

Command Features

    FetchDiscordRoles = "fsr",
    AdminDuty = "aduty",
    SupportDuty = "sduty",
    DevTestDuty = "tduty",
    AdminChat = "a",
    StaffChat = "s",
    HealPlayer = "heal",
    Announcement = "announce",
    FixVehicle = "fix",
    GodMode = "gm",
    NoClip = "nc",
    GotoPlayer = "goto",
    SummonPlayer = "summon",
    KickPlayer = "kick",
    KickAllPlayers = "kickallplayers",
    FreezePlayer = "freeze",
    UnFreezePlayer = "unfreeze",
    SpawnVehicle = "spawnveh",
    DeleteVehicle = "deleteveh",
    ReportToAdmins = "report",
    ReportToStaff = "help",
    ForceOutOfVehicle = "foov",
    FixTheirVehicle = "fixveh",
    HealOtherPlayer = "healplayer",
    SpawnWeapon = "spawnweapon",
    ClearArea = "cleararea",
    WhatAreTheCommands = "acommands",

Weather additions

    EnableWeatherSystem = false,         -- Not compatible with other weather scripts, enable this if you have none yet.
    SetWeather = "setweather",
    SetTime = "settime",
    FreezeTime = "freezetime",
    FreezeWeather = "freezeweather",
    Morning = "morning",
    Noon = "noon",
    Evening = "evening",
    Night = "night",
    Blackout = "blackout",


Video Showcase

Coming soon!

Obtain this or one of our other resources via our Tebex store


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[& more…](https://store.nights-software.com/ :globe_with_meridians:)

Code accessible Partially
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) 3000
Requirements Discord API
Support Yes

V1.1.1 Released

  • Added export functions for admin duty, tester duty and staff duty. (See fxmanifest.lua for an example)
  • Fixed invisibility issue.