[PAID] Discord API + BOT (v2.0.0 out NOW!)

Discord API!


Discord API

No more complicated stuff!

Easily drag and drop the Discord API into your resources folder! Set the resource up via the easily readable documentation (included). We provide a bot which your can invite to your Discord server, or create your own by reading the documentation! Use this API for various options like: Permissions, role checks, our custom player list resource, our custom allow list check resource and loads of more options to come.

Developers can utilize this script for many of their own resources. We shall provide with additional purchasable resources if you do not wish to code them yourself :slight_smile:

This script is inspired by Badgers Discord API and for a low price of 1GBP for everyone to use on their FiveM server!

Originally planned a free release, but since we are not allowed to escrow the bot token we have to charge a minimum for it.

This script utilizes:

(Inspired by) JaredScar (Badger Discord API)

Once again, simple, lightweight and straight forward!


Server export functions (LUA) → DOCUMENTATION

server_exports {'IsUserPartOfThisGuild', 'IsUserPartOfAnyOfTheseGuilds', 'IsUserPartOfAllOfTheseGuilds',
                'GetDiscordMember', 'GetDiscordMemberRoles', 'IsMemberPartOfThisRole', 'IsMemberPartOfAnyOfTheseRoles',
                'IsMemberPartOfAllOfTheseRoles', 'GetDiscordGuild'}

How to utilize the export functions?
Read all about it in the included documentation.


  • Public release of the configurable Discord API.
  • Configure your role ID’s and role names in the config.lua and utilize your discord server in-game.
  • Included a bot invite, allowing you to skip making a bot! (Documentation.pdf)
  • Included a tutorial to create your own custom bot, providing this resource on your FiveM server. (Documentation.pdf)
  • Escrow protected.



  • Added support for multiple Discord servers/guilds (replace Discord_Guild_ID with Discord_Guild_Names in the config to specify your guilds)
  • Removed export: IsUserPartOfGuild
  • Added exports: IsUserPartOfThisGuild, IsUserPartOfAnyOfTheseGuilds, IsUserPartOfAllOfTheseGuilds
  • Modified some existing exports (read more in our documentation)

Video Showcase

Obtain this or one of our other resources via our Tebex store


Our other resources:

[& more…](https://store.nights-software.com/ :globe_with_meridians:)

Code accessible Partially
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements None
Support Yes

Free releases may not be Escrow protected or have a Tebex requirement

Preview ?

Hi !

What is your script for “Discord” “Play” “Website” in your connecting please ? Thanks !

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Released an update which allows you to add your custom bot. Before this seemed to be blocked.

What’s the difference btween this API and Badger_Discord_API

This one is 1GBP.
This one has a bot provided with the asset and the option to create your own bot with instructions.
This one is written differently and originally planned for a free release: We escrow the bot token so we couldn’t release it for free due to FiveM policy on escrow.
Many of our resources are provided with options to utilize this discord API, we feel it is a little bit more simple (and faster) than the other ones around. But Badgers Discord API is a proper one as well.

Hm yeah right.

probably not the best option to have your bot token in there should be a way around it such as making the user put in there own bot token?

as ESCROW is able to be decrypted

We suggest people make their own bots and provide instructions for it. Next to escrow we made sure it’s defined on the server side of the script. Which should be less vulnerable. Eventually up to the user whether they use our bot token or create a custom one. :slight_smile: (This is an option in our resource)

I’m very interested to see “their” codebase as well lol…


Sounds like a good plan to VC and see the factual differences if you like. You’re welcome to have a look.

Thank you for addressing this security issue. We shall push an update as soon as possible if research finds it is indeed a shared file.



The config.lua was (already) set as a server side file, allowing you to safely appoint bot tokens.

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