[PAID] Desert festival Coachella [FIVE M MAP]

Desert festival Coachella [FIVE M MAP]

To use the stage screen you need some of the scripts:


CS-HALL (Critical Scripts )

For the best experience I recommend using scripts that can be used to put the video and sound on screen across the stage: CS-HALL

**Put this code in config.lua in cs-hall If you have cs-hall by Critical Scripts **
        ['Coachella'] = {
            ['enabled'] = true,

            ['idleWallpaperUrl'] = 'https://www.educolorir.com/imagem-tela-de-teste-da-tv-dm28300.jpg',

            ['bass'] = {
                ['smoke'] = {
                    ['cooldownMs'] = 30000,
                    ['colorWithDynamicSpotlights'] = true

                ['sparklers'] = {
                    ['cooldownMs'] = 30000,
                    ['colorWithDynamicSpotlights'] = true

             ['area'] = {
                ['range'] = 300.0,
                ['center'] = vector3(1356.05, 3168.19, 40.47)

            ['replacers'] = {
                ['palco_coachella'] = 'M_HATers_Steel_01_diffuse',
                ['ba_prop_battle_club_screen'] = 'script_rt_club_tv',
                ['h4_prop_battle_club_projector'] = 'script_rt_club_projector'

            ['monitors'] = {
                    ['hash'] = 'ba_prop_battle_club_screen_02',
                    ['position'] = vector3(-3044.9343261719,28.274089813232,11.118411064148),
                    ['heading'] = 321.99

           ['spotlights'] = {
                   ['soundSyncType'] = SOUND_SYNC_TYPE.BASS,
                   ['hash'] = 'cs_prop_hall_spotlight',
                   ['position'] = vector3(1342.783,3168.718,47.21169),
                   ['heading'] = 30.0,
                   ['color'] = {255, 1, 1}

                   ['soundSyncType'] = SOUND_SYNC_TYPE.MID,
                   ['hash'] = 'cs_prop_hall_spotlight',
                   ['position'] = vector3(1337.658,3167.348,47.16412),
                   ['heading'] = 30.0,
                   ['color'] = {255, 255, 0}

                   ['soundSyncType'] = SOUND_SYNC_TYPE.TREBLE,
                   ['hash'] = 'cs_prop_hall_spotlight',
                   ['position'] = vector3(1367.019,3174.858,47.17853),
                   ['heading'] = 30.0,
                   ['color'] = {3, 83, 255}

                   ['soundSyncType'] = SOUND_SYNC_TYPE.LOW_MID,
                   ['hash'] = 'cs_prop_hall_spotlight',
                   ['position'] = vector3(1372,3176.188,47.18555),
                   ['heading'] = 30.0,
                   ['color'] = {15, 3, 255}

                   ['soundSyncType'] = SOUND_SYNC_TYPE.HIGH_MID,
                   ['hash'] = 'cs_prop_hall_spotlight',
                   ['position'] = vector3(1343.98, 3173.05, 46.47),
                   ['heading'] = 90.0,
                   ['color'] = {255, 5, 190}

                   ['soundSyncType'] = SOUND_SYNC_TYPE.HIGH_MID,
                   ['hash'] = 'cs_prop_hall_spotlight',
                   ['position'] = vector3(1362.03, 3177.67, 46.85),
                   ['heading'] = 296.34,
                   ['color'] = {255, 5, 190}

            ['smokers'] = {
                    ['hash'] = 'ba_prop_club_smoke_machine',
                    ['visible'] = true,
                    ['fx'] = {
                        ['library'] = 'scr_ba_club',
                        ['effect'] = 'scr_ba_club_smoke_machine',

                    ['position'] = vector3(1347.5,3170.48,40.43064),
                    ['heading'] = 90.0,
                    ['color'] = {0, 0, 0}

                    ['hash'] = 'ba_prop_club_smoke_machine',
                    ['visible'] = true,
                    ['fx'] = {
                        ['library'] = 'scr_ba_club',
                        ['effect'] = 'scr_ba_club_smoke_machine',

                    ['position'] = vector3(1360.43, 3174.37,40.43064),
                    ['heading'] = 296.34,
                    ['color'] = {0, 0, 0}

|Code accessible |No (CFX )|
|Subscription based |No|
|Lines (approximately) |this_is_a_map|
|Requirements |Game build 2372|
|Support |Yes|

[TEBEX]( Richards Maps For FiveM | Coachella festival desert MAP (tebex.io))


nice map


:tada: very niceee

Nice festival oh God.

BRUUUHHHH. your maps are always on point richard!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: i freaking love you.

1 Like
More compabilite with Hypnonema

Amazing!!! :heart_eyes: