[PAID] Custom Fortnite animations

Presenting pack of 10 custom Fortnite animations

Note: CFX Escrow system is used to deliver the package

Animations are only streamed and no additional code is provided to play the animations. You can create your own script or use utility like dpemotes and play the animations.

Code snippet for adding animations to dpemotes has been provided with the package

EDIT: Weird 180 degree rotation at the start of animation has been fixed



does it come with the music

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@Josh7392 Nope. Music is added over the video for referance only

Why do they all spin 180? lol

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And why is EVERY animation pack $20+, Why not make each pack $10 and sell MORE? 20bucks for 10 animations is ridiculous, especially when you’re selling like 6 packs right now at $20 each.

Also then spinning 180 degrees EVERY TIME is driving me insane.

For 25-30 animations you’re basically charging more than ANY script or MLO.


It’s probably better to sell “_____ part 1, part 2, 3” etc etc all together at that price rather than 10 animations…

I understand there’s a pandemic and times are probably tough but if someone genuinely likes your animations, it’s a little unfair that they have to buy 3 or so packs under the same category, though that’s just my opinion and everyone else is entitled to theirs, including yourself :thinking::man_shrugging:t2:


@BTNGaming @anon70864786 Thanks for the feedback. I release a pack of 10 animations so that people can buy whatever they like instead of paying a bigger amount for a bigger pack from which they only like very few animations. I have to agree that I have not considered at my part that some people might intended to buy all of those packs. I’ll try to make a collective pack with some discout for those who intend to buy bigger packs.

Regarding my prices, I would say that its fair cause after all the cuts and fees, Im usually left with half of the amount since I don’t live in US and taxes cut off a huge part and this pack is the only one which is priced $20.

For those weird 180° turns, I’m aware and I’m working on a fix. Its a weird issue with my armature in Max that’s why Im trying to find solution for once and for all.


On the other hand, I also try my best to get out more free animations for those who can’t afford paid packs but its not possible to release everything for free or at price which won’t justify the time and effort I put in personally


So you went from my thread where you said $20 is okay to this thread to complain that $20 or $15 is high, if you’d like the animations to basically be free then why don’t you just learn how to do it yourself and make them yourself? Stop harassing this poor man.

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Drama and sooks everywhere once again lmao grow up fellas

Nice pack dude, I agree with what BTN said and your response was good Ultra

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pretty kewl

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I cant get em to work can anyone help

Looks cool.

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You can DM me if you want help setting it up :slight_smile:

Weird 180 degree rotation has been fixed and the package has been updated :slight_smile:

It is quite a time consuming process if you don’t want to pay it… learn to do it yourself

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Already did :slight_smile:

Thats fair enough. Thank you for your time and effort put into making these emotes. I saw your free version and we are greatful for a free pack. I have to agree with you on pying for your time as its not easy deving and it does take up alot of peoples time where is you could be working a 9 to 5 and get paid that way so yes keep charging and keep creating. see you at work!