[PAID] Custom Billing Menu Clean UI, QBCore & ESX Framework

Script not iplocked and not obfuscated. If you buy you can access both of them framework (QBCore, ESX).

Available Frameworks: QBCore, ESX
Usage: /fine [id] [amount] [title or label]
I can integrate it into your boss menu or your bank
You can add as many jobs as you want.

Tebex Link: https://whoop.tebex.io/category/1864146


good job

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Ridiculous price for such a simple thing.

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it’s my decision.

You’re right, GL.

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Well I’m not gonna lie the design looks impressive but it could also be just a copy paste from pPhone or whatever it was called (just HTML with no use an almost perfect copy of iOS) and the functionality is there I guess? At the end of the day you do you, your product, your price. But $120 is overpriced for such thing.

Anyways good luck.

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First of all it is bootstrap, second it isn’t 120$.

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? :smiley: are you okay?

he accidentally switched it up with the “FiveM Full server” you are selling i guess.

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Ayo bro ahahah I mistaken the threads lmao, this was supposed to go into the ESX phone one, I’m so sorry ahahah


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lol :sweat_smile:

any way you can make it work with asyncsql

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lol :smiley:

yeah i can