The menu looks sloppy like it was just copy as pasted from a clothing script into a job to use on other players instead of yourself. Why would there be an outfit or tabs for accessories for jobs that only change one thing?
It’s not simple though it’s sloppy. The menu is advanced for a clothing menu but it makes no sense as a job menu. If the word sloppy hurts your feelings then I don’t know what to tell you but people could and have said a lot worse of these forums.
Would you be able to make the menu look a little cleaner for the jobs? All those buttons that probably aren’t used for the job makes it very confusing. Like for example the nails say vest. I know that probably because the nails clothing is in the vest category but it just seems odd and out of place. For the price of $75 I feel like this should be way better in design.
EN: Script made for pvp but not roleplay pay you to open the shop and not for the items buy the job has problems the appearance of the employee is put on the client and the dev does not want to understand anything while the script is sold for $90 I don’t recommend it without an update for roleplay
FR: Script fait pour du pvp mais pas du roleplay vous payer pour ouvrir le shop et non pour les article acheter le job a des problemes l’apparence de l’employer est mis sur le client et le dev ne veux rien comprendre alors que le script est vendu 90$ je vousle conseille pas sans mise a jour pour du roleplay
Hello friends, I bought your dress-up plugin, but I don’t want to use English here, I tried to achieve localization by modifying index, but every time there are bugs, can you help me…
just bought this, works great but i also bought the clothing itemsV2 and it works for the most part. But when you are wearing an item and take it out of your inventory it doesnt remove like your video. im using ox , lmk if theres something i can do to fix it. appreciate your work!
ox_inventory don’t call esx:onRemoveInventoryItem. Without this as an esx script, my script will not receive call when item removes from inventory. Check this trigger inside es_extended/server/class/player.lua and implement inside ox_inventory/server.lua
This guys been selling remotely loaded code that is heavily obfuscated for years on the platform, now sells on tebex. Makes you wonder if there is any difference from MenanAk47 (MenanAk47) · GitHub to whats on there.