This post is legit just YoungDev06 Custom Blips script, but paid.
This is found in the Releases FAQ
- FiveM forum releases. You may not re-release any already existing releases from the FiveM forum, unless the original author has given you permission. Generally, one should share improved/edited resources in the original forum topic and/or by submitting a Pull Request if the release has a repository.
This is just as the post above me says YoungDev06 Custom Blips script just now paid and even that script all it was was something anyone could do, unless there’s other things that we are all missing?
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Okay well… I didnt even knew about this one. Thanks for the information!
I guess the only difference is that my config is more adjustable and that we will have an ingame menu in the future and database entries instead of everything in the config file.
But unless i programmed it any further i agree to you!
I recently replied to andrew about this.
I didnt knew about that script until AndrewDevelopment informed me about it.
I guess the only difference will be the updates i will do next week:
- InGame Menu
- Entries saved in the database instead of the config file
Thank you guys for the information!
in game screenshot please
What exactly do you mean? In my main post is a screenshot of the main map.
There is no UI at the current state - thats why its called “Planned Update” lol?
Next time, When releasing a script, i recommend doing some research and making sure it does not look simmilar to other already released scripts to prevent confusion. 
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Ive just released a HUGE Update!
Since you guys wanted an InGame UI - i build one with the classic gta ui.
I also added new features:
- You can create Blips InGame (Synced with other Players)
- You can delete Blips InGame (Synced with other Players)
- Data will be saved to your SQL Database OR in your config file
- Added multi-language support
- Added Auto-Update for Server-Admins

So now with new features we have some dependencies when using this Script:
- ESX-Framework (QB will be release later)
- oxmysql
Im still working on some features (like InGame Blip Editor and Discord-Webhook) but thats a thing for the future.
I hope I could show you that im still working on some projects ive just began.
@AndrewTheDeveloper @Chained @xcrydiz5k @Mike1Playz1
Now that is what’s up, way better, congrats!
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Update 1.2.0 just released!
- Discord-Webhook included (Now the things with Config.Debug get posted into your Discord AND some single things too)
- Optimized some code
If you dont want to replace every file just replace following files:
- server/server.lua
- config.lua (english translation) and Config.DiscordWebhook
As always: If you have questions or problems visit our discord and create a ticket.
Have a nice day everybody!
News about the Blip Creator
Great news for the Community!
We created a Discount-Code for all of you guys.
Get 10% off of your next purchase with the code: CFXre
Also there will be some updates to the Blip Creator:
- QBCore Version will be released soon
- An Open Source Version was added to our shop
- New Link to our shop: Visit XRP Dev Shop
Have a great day!
Thats whats up
Great script, Looks nice, recommend creating a standalone version as well. Also i would recommend adding some english screenshots, because people who don’t speak german, have no idea what that says lol.
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Update 1.2.0
We recently released the Update 1.2.0 which includes a few more optimizations and the ability to edit blips in real time directly from ingame.
If you need any support just contact us on our discord.
Have a great day everyone!