[PAID] Canoe Races - RedM



Dodiban Canoe Races is a premium RedM script that brings exciting canoe racing competitions to your server. Players can navigate challenging river courses, compete for the best times, earn prizes, and enjoy realistic water physics. This script offers a complete racing system with multiple customizable routes, checkpoint navigation, boost mechanics, and a comprehensive ranking system.

Key Features

Complete Racing System

  • Two pre-configured race routes with customizable checkpoints

  • You can add more races and rouutes

  • Interactive NPCs at race start locations

  • Visual checkpoint arrows to guide players

  • Realistic timing system with personal records tracking

  • 3D checkpoints with visual and sound effects

Immersive Gameplay Mechanics

  • Dynamic boost system with cooldown and visual effects

  • Carry and place canoes anywhere in the game world

  • Slow-motion system for dramatic moments in challenging sections

  • Realistic water effects and physics

  • Avalanche/rockfall system for added challenge

Rewards & Progression

  • Fully functional leaderboard system showing top times

  • Prize system with configurable rewards (money and gold)

  • Multiple prize collection locations across the map

  • Ranking display accessible through NPCs or commands

Power-ups & Collectibles

  • Collectable items during races (boost, health, stamina)

  • Visual effects for power-ups

  • Respawning items with configurable timing

UI Components

  • Clean and immersive user interface

  • Boost meter and checkpoint counter

  • Ranking display with sorting options

  • Custom notifications system


  1. Ensure you have the VORP Core or RSG Core framework installed on your server

  2. Upload the dodi_canoeraces folder to your server’s resources directory

  3. Add ensure dodi_canoeraces to your server.cfg

  4. Restart your server


  • VORP Core

  • VORP Character

  • MySQL Async

  • RSGcore


The script offers extensive configuration options through the config.lua file:

Race Routes

Define custom race routes with unlimited checkpoints, each with precise coordinates:

Config.Races = {


        name = "Bacchus Bridge",

        startPoint = {x = 508.4318, y = 1798.01, z = 128.4633, h = 187.82},

        checkpoints = {

            {x = 516.8208, y = 1764.644, z = 127.4288, h = -50.787},

            -- Add more checkpoints as needed



    -- Add more races



Configure different types of collectable items:

Config.RaceProps = {

    propTypes = {

        boost = {

            model = "p_bottlecrate02x",

            effect = function(player)

                TriggerServerEvent('dodi_canoeraces:addBoost', 50)


            respawnTime = 30000


        -- Configure more prop types




Adjust prize amounts for top racers:

Config.Prizes = {

    [1] = {

        money = 100.0,

        gold = 2


    -- Configure more positions



  • /canoeranking - Opens the race rankings display


Q: Can I add more race routes?

A: Yes, you can add unlimited race routes by following the format in the config.lua file.

Q: How do prizes work?

A: Players who achieve top 3 times in any race can collect prizes at designated locations.

Q: Can players carry canoes?

A: Yes, players can pick up and carry canoes by approaching them and pressing X.

Q: How do boost?

A: Press [B] key (keyboard)

Q: Is it compatible with other frameworks?

A: The script is designed for VORP and RSG framework but can be adapted to others with minor modifications.


For support, bug reports, or feature requests, please contact:


Developed by DODIBAN

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/XN2-hhVmVhM
TEBEX LINK: https://dodiban-redm.tebex.io/package/6747548

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 5000+
Requirements VORP, RSG
Support Yes