[PAID CANCELLED] Detective Job

The script allows you to become a detective on your server, the script was made for good roleplay and feeling for your character in mind. Optimization is at a high level of 0.00ms~0.02ms.


  • Fully configurable
  • Fast and high quality support
  • Random murder scenes along with new characters
  • Custom dialogs with Peds
  • High quality level system for completing missions with rewards
  • Custom cameras / view and NPC interactions
  • Saves all necessary information on SQL
  • Comes with required SQL file for all the needed database tables
  • Custom F6 menu with many functions
  • Comfortable and modern design


Price Escrow: 10.00€ + VAT
Purchase on our tebex!

Price Open Source: 16.00€ + VAT
Purchase on our tebex!

Other products:
Our Tebex!
Street Races!
Police and Sheriff MDT

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1782
Requirements ESX
Support Yes
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Is there a editable client file to change the on screen mission notifications and drawtext?

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Yes if you buy, a open source version. But in next update we gonna change some things in config for better quality.

That looks neat. Is there a plan to get it to QBCore? :slight_smile:

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Yes, in next update

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That’s wonderful. I’ll see you there then :slight_smile:

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Will the script, support standalone?

So does it work with QBcore now?