[PAID] BRB Trader – Advanced Market System

:shopping_cart: BRB Trader – Advanced Market System

BRB Trader is a fully customizable market system designed for RedM servers using VORP Core. Players can list their items for sale, purchase items from other players, and interact with the system through a designated NPC.

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:dart: Features:

:heavy_check_mark: Player-to-Player Trading – Players can sell their items and purchase goods from others.
:heavy_check_mark: NPC Interaction – The market is accessed through an NPC, enhancing roleplay immersion.
:heavy_check_mark: VORP Core Integration – Seamless compatibility with VORP inventory and currency systems.
:heavy_check_mark: Multi-Language Support – Choose between English and Turkish via config.
:heavy_check_mark: Exclusive Market Access – Only one player can access the market at a time to prevent conflicts.
:heavy_check_mark: Secure Transactions – Players cannot purchase their own items.
:heavy_check_mark: Offline Player Earnings – If a seller is offline, their earnings are stored and credited when they log back in.

:hammer_and_wrench: Requirements
VORP Core (Latest Version)
VORP Inventory
oxmysql (If using MySQL database)
Support: Yes
Code is accessible Part of client, config and framework adapters
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~5000

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