[PAID] BRB Advanced Banking System

Hello RedM community!
I’m excited to introduce my custom-made Advanced Banking System designed specifically for the VORP framework. This system brings realism and manageability to your roleplay experience, providing in-depth financial management for both individuals and businesses.

:camera: Screenshots & Demo Video

Preview : You can watch full preview video from here!


:pushpin: Features

:small_blue_diamond: Multi-Account Support

Players can create multiple bank accounts.

Custom account names for easier tracking.

:briefcase: Business Accounts

Automatically generated based on the player’s job and job grade.

Access control via job and jobgrade (e.g. doctor, sheriff, blacksmith).

Shared vault system: all authorized members can access the business account.

Full account management: deposit, withdraw, transfer, and transaction logs.

:money_with_wings: Interest Account System

Players can open 1 interest-bearing account only.

After each in-game day, interest is added to the balance.

Interest rate can be configured in config.lua.

Controlled access so players don’t exploit multiple interest accounts.

:inbox_tray: Transaction History

All financial actions are recorded:

Transaction type (deposit, withdraw, transfer, tax, interest)

Player name


Separate logs for personal and business accounts.

Viewable directly from the banking menu.

:receipt: Tax System

Optional taxes on deposits, withdrawals, and transfers.

Separate tax rates for each account type (personal, business, interest).

Daily tax system: percentage deducted from balance after each in-game day.

All tax rates and toggles managed via config.lua.

:brain: Fully VORP Menu Integrated

Seamless use with vorp_menu.

Dynamic menu navigation: view details, rename, or delete accounts in-menu.

Clean and intuitive interface.

:robot: NPC & Blip Support

Custom NPC banker per bank location.

NPCs play animations and show an [E] prompt for interaction.

:closed_lock_with_key: Secure Authorization System

Every action is double-checked against job, grade, and identifiers.

Server-side validation for all sensitive transactions.

Built with anti-exploit logic from the ground up.

:gear: Configuration

All settings are easily editable in config.lua:

:abc: Language support: en, tr (easily expandable)

:moneybag: Tax & interest rates

:office_worker: Business job access and job grade minimums

:bust_in_silhouette: NPC models, positions, blip styles

:clock3: Optional open/close hours

:earth_africa: Multilingual Support

:tr: Turkish

:us: English

Each message and menu label is configurable through a lang.lua file with full translation support.

:floppy_disk: Requirements





:hammer_and_wrench: Installation

Add the brb-bank folder to your server’s resources directory.

Configure config.lua and lang.lua to your liking.

Run the provided SQL file in your database.

Add to your server.cfg:

ensure brb-bank

:brain: Developer Notes

This system was crafted with love and care for VORP-based RedM servers.
If you have suggestions, feedback, or found a bug – feel free to contact me or leave a comment.

Happy roleplaying! :cowboy_hat_face:
If you enjoyed this release, leave a :star: and a comment below!

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 5000
Requirements VORPcore
Support Yes