[PAID] Bean Machine Coffee - Clothing - Male / Female

When our customers purchase the “Bean Machine Coffee Clothing Pack for FiveM,” they are receiving an exclusive set of virtual clothing items that can be used in the FiveM game. This package includes items for both female and male characters. Here is a detailed description of what they will receive and how they will receive it:

Package Contents

12x Poles (6x female and 6x male)
4x Hat’s (2x female and 2x male)
4x Scarves and chains (2x female and 2x male)

Other Contents
[M/F] East Customs Clothing Pack


Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements Fivem
Support Yes

Make a pizza this, burgershot, vanilla unicorn, and animation outfits❤️

Hi, thanks for the suggestions. Keep and eye on my content, as soon as possíble i’ll be creating those packages. :facepunch:

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