[PAID] [ANY FRAMEWORK] Texas Holdem - Poker Script

Immersive poker script inspired by the official Red Dead Redemption 2 poker system

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  • pre-configured tables at Blackwater / Flaatneck Station / Saint Denis / Tumbleweed / Valentine
  • Set the max amount of money a player can bet each round (Limit / No Limit)
  • Card and player animations
  • Sexy animated UI. You can edit it to your needs using CSS/JS
  • Can be used with the five standard locations and also on ANY location you like. It includes a custom Object Spawn and Object Deletion mechanism which makes it possible to place custom objects anywhere you like:
    • Create a poker table in the moonshine shack beside the piano? Yep!
    • Clear an area of objects to place a table object and chairs at places which are normally blocked? Sure!
  • Highly customizable (NPC, Locations, Blips, Prompts, Holdem Modes, all texts, NUI)
  • Spawning card objects for players AND people in range
  • Compatibility layer to make this script interact with custom or public available frameworks
  • Props spawn only when player is nearby to reduce usage of RDR2 object limits and population density
  • Up to 6 players per table in parallel


Code is accessible the code itself not but the config file is higly customizable
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000+
Requirements tm_modals
Support Yes

Buy the Script: here