[PAID] Anti No Props | pac-antinoprop

This product mainly detects the no prop cheats.


This script is standalone. You can easily use on any framework.


Server-sided Resmon:

Client-sided Resmon:



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Code is accessible Yes and No there are two packets on tebex escrow & opensource
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 103
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

I dont see why you would want to pay $15 for something that detects what props players are exploiting when you can stop it from happening for free.

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First of all, thanks for the reply, secondly, what I shared and what you posted have nothing to do with each other. What I did is a script that prevents some props from being completely destroyed that visual packages can handle. It has nothing to do with what you have posted.

Also, as far as I know, even if you overwrite the .meta and .rpf files, it does not offer a solution in any way.

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