[PAID]Animated Christmas Lights

Animated Christmas Lights

Check out the video:

Animated lights around Legion square. Logo on tower can be easily changed by replacing texture

You can buy it here: https://tgm.tebex.io/package/4757295


Christmas is comming fast, first decorations in supermarkets, now scripts.
Cool way how to celebrate end of this year with your friends in FiveM.

Nice release =) Really get me into christmas vibe.


Why selling free stuff ? :slight_smile:

This mod is not free, if you have it for free then you have a leaked version… which isnt cool.

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Ago some time a dude posted on fivem forum town lights ? :smiley: So that is also leaked?

nice <3

@TheIndra i updated tebex, can you please re-enable this topic?

Please flag the topic

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Thank you!

can you make logos