[PAID] Advent calendar

Advent Calendar

A script that is designed to reward players in December in the form of an advent calendar.
Each day a player can pick up a reward and it is up to you if he/she will be able to do the previous days as well or only that day, so he/she has to join!

The script is customizable to your liking and is ready for your testing as well.

Default setting is for ESX with ox_inventory.

Everything else is configurable and I’m happy to help you on my discord.


  • ox_lib


  • Default settings its for ESX with ox_inventory but everything you can edit in config.lua.
    If you wanna help just make ticket on my discord.

How to?

If you want to change the server logo, upload a .png image to web/assets/image/server_logo.png

Audio effect
If you want to change the audio so web/assets/audio/sound.mp3 upload your new file called sound.mp3

If you want to change the background so web/assets/image/background.webp upload your new file called background.webp

New items
Please upload items images to web/assets/images/IMG_NAME.png
And in config.lua select the day you want to set your new item for.



Permission to select previous days.
Config.OnlyAtThatDay = false

Testing script in other months
Config.wannaTry = true

Group for admin commands
Config.AdminRestrict = "group.admin"

/adventcalendar - open calendar by command.
/adventcalendar_clear [identifier] - Clear calendar data for player.
/adventcalendar_clear_all - Clear calendar data for everyone.

Creating custom functions or pair with other scripts

-- Day configuration
    name = "coin",
    count = 1,
    type="custom", -- item / custom
-- Custom functions
Config.CustomFunctions = {
    ["coin"] = function(source, name,count)
        -- It is not necessary to mention the name here as these are VIP points.
        exports['cd_donatorshop']:AddBalance(source, count)

Saving by json file

The script stores the data in a file and therefore will not burden your database.

Video preview



Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500+
Requirements ESX/QB + ox_lib
Support Yes

(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)


can it open with aout radial like hotkey or command /adventskalender

If you use radial menu somewhere just use export in radial menu settings.

But the default setting is via command.

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what a great idea!!! <3

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