Sorry, completely forgot about it, I’ll look into it when free, I might be able to make a version that works for 1.1.
@NeonFahrer @little_Rosey1 Showcase has been added
A huge update will be released soon which will expand this resource to a proper cooking simulator. More cooking utilities, and lots of cool features! - It will have a qbcore version too!
nothing is working for me. i have esx legacy and all dependencies. no menu pops up
Hey! Any news for the QB core version?
At the moment I am switching to a new internet provider, so I’m waiting until they show up to setup the new connection. As soon as that is solved I’ll be able to get it done!
Check the logs, do you see any errors?
I’m having an issue with Rprogress. I’ve tried the available downloads and they do not work. Do you have a working version?
You can find the resource on the authors github repository.
Sorry for taking this long, I’ve been having internet connection issues lately!
Working on the QBCore version right now, should be finished within 2 days I hope! It will come with more features that will be added to the ESX version too after properly tested.
I’m very excited to add this to my server tbh!!
@NoAimGirlKane The QBCore version has been added to the store! Let me know if you experience any issues.
Hey! So I bought your script and I’m pushing it on my dev server
The biggest issue that I have is that I have to restart the script every time I’m leaving the menu without cooking anything. The qb-target looks like it’s deactivated. Nothing on my F8
Could you help me with this?
I’ll look into it right away!
Okay this update “should” fix it. Download the new files from your keymaster, I cannot test it myself right now unfortunately so let me know how it goes.
Hey guys,
Having a problem. It says in the client/main.lua if I’m not mistaking. I tried to get in there to see but It’s locked not sure what to do here. Could anyone help please. Thank you in advance. I have my qtarget running and everything. Just kind of stuck at this point.
Hey, add q-target as a dependency in fxmanifest. That should fix your issue.
Thank you