[PAID]🌿 Advance Weed Growing System | [QB/ESX/QBOX]

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  • Requires ox_inventory & Compatible Frameworks – Supports QBCore, QBOX, and ESX, ensuring broad compatibility with popular FiveM frameworks.

  • Highly Configurable – Offers extensive customization options, allowing server owners to tweak every aspect of the weed growing process to fit their gameplay vision.

  • Multiple Weed Strains: Players can grow different strains such as Blue Dream, Purple Haze, Gorilla Glue, and Banana Kush, with the flexibility to add more strains through easy configuration.

  • Plant Care System: Players must water and fertilize their plants to keep them healthy. Each plant has specific requirements, with adjustable amounts of water and fertilizer that decrease over time.

  • ** Risk of Theft:** Plants can be hidden in various locations to avoid being harvested by other players, introducing a dynamic of risk and strategy.

  • Easy Harvesting & Bud Production: After proper care, plants can be harvested with shears to obtain buds, which can then be turned into weed bags for selling or use.

  • Customizable Growth and Maintenance: The script allows server owners to adjust the initial conditions, growth rates, and times for watering, fertilizing, and harvesting. This includes configurable plant growth time and bud yield.

  • Simple, Passive Gameplay: Designed to be a low-maintenance, passive activity, players can check on their plants periodically, making it suitable for casual and immersive gameplay.

  • Much More Features

Config = {}

Config.FrameWork = "QBOX" --  We Support 2 Framworks for this verison [QBCore / QBOX]

Config.Notifications = "OX" -- [OX / QB]

Config.Shovel = 'plant_shovel'
Config.Shears = 'plant_shears'
Config.Fertilizer = 'plant_fertilizer'
Config.Pot = 'plant_pot'
Config.Water = 'water'
Config.Baggie = 'plant_emptybag'

-- Water & Fertilizer & Growth Settings

-- Water Settings
Config.StartAmountWater = 55 -- The amount of water a plant start with
Config.LoseWaterAmount = 5 -- The amount of water each plant loses every x amount of time
Config.LoseWaterTime = 30 -- (SECONDS) The amount of time it takes for each plant to lose water
Config.WaterFeedAmount = 15 -- Percentage the plant gain per water bottle given to the plant

-- Fertilizer Settings
Config.StartAmountFertilizer = 60 -- The amount of fertilizer a plant start with
Config.LoseFertilizerAmount = 2 -- The amount of fertilizer each plant loses every x amount of time
Config.LoseFertilizerTime = 30 -- (SECONDS) The amount of time it takes for each plant to lose fertilizer
Config.FertilizerFeedAmount = 15 -- Percentage the plant gain per fertilizer given to the plant

-- Growth Settings
Config.GainGrowthAmount = 5 -- The amount of growth each plant gains every x amount of time
Config.GainGrowthTime = 30 -- (SECONDS) The amount of time it takes for each plant to gain growth

Config.MinDistanceBetweenPlants = 2.0 -- ONLY TOUCH IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING!

Config.Plant = {
    ['bluedream'] = {
        label = 'Blue Dream Plant', -- Label for weed 
        seed = 'seed_bluedream', -- Weed Seed item name
        baggie = 'bluedream_bag', -- Weed Baggy item name
        bud = 'bud_bluedream', -- Weed Bud item name
        budMin = 5, -- Minimum buds you get from harvesting plant
        budMax = 10, -- Maximum  buds you get from harvesting plant
        BudsForBag = 5, -- Buds require to make 1 weed bag
        Props = { -- Plant props for each stage
            [1] = `an_weed_blue_01_small_01a`,
            [2] = `an_weed_blue_med_01b`,
            [3] = `an_weed_blue_lrg_01a`
    ['purplehaze'] = {
        label = 'Purple Haze Plant',
        seed = 'seed_purplehaze',
        baggie = 'purplehaze_bag',
        bud = 'bud_purplehaze',
        budMin = 5,
        budMax = 10,
        BudsForBag = 5,
        Props = {
            [1] = `an_weed_purple_01_small_01a`,
            [2] = `an_weed_purple_med_01b`,
            [3] = `an_weed_purple_lrg_01a`
    ['glue'] = {
        label = 'Glorilla Glue Plant',
        seed = 'seed_glue',
        baggie = 'glue_bag',
        bud = 'bud_glue',
        budMin = 5,
        budMax = 10,
        BudsForBag = 5,
        Props = {
            [1] = `an_weed_white_01_small_01a`,
            [2] = `an_weed_white_med_01b`,
            [3] = `an_weed_white_lrg_01a`
    ['bananakush'] = {
        label = 'Banana Kush Plant',
        seed = 'seed_bananakush',
        baggie = 'bananakush_bag',
        bud = 'bud_bananakush',
        budMin = 5,
        budMax = 10,
        BudsForBag = 5,
        Props = {
            [1] = `an_weed_yellow_01_small_01a`,
            [2] = `an_weed_yellow_med_01b`,
            [3] = `an_weed_yellow_lrg_01a`


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 750
Requirements QBCore OR QBOX OR ESX, Ox_inventory, ox_lib
Support Yes

Other Resources:
Oxy Run
Most Advance & Unique Drug Selling System
Mining Script
Money Wash Script
Black Market Script

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Update 1.1

  • Fixed small issues with planting
  • Fixed issues with a destroying plant
  • Added plant lifetime (if water & fertilizer gets to 0 then the plant will start a timer to despawn)

:herb: Weed Growing: Update 1.2

  • Add ESX Framework Compatibly
  • Fixed SQL issue
  • Added animation to bagging weed

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