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Requires ox_inventory & Compatible Frameworks – Supports QBCore, QBOX, and ESX, ensuring broad compatibility with popular FiveM frameworks.
Highly Configurable – Offers extensive customization options, allowing server owners to tweak every aspect of the weed growing process to fit their gameplay vision.
Multiple Weed Strains: Players can grow different strains such as Blue Dream, Purple Haze, Gorilla Glue, and Banana Kush, with the flexibility to add more strains through easy configuration.
Plant Care System: Players must water and fertilize their plants to keep them healthy. Each plant has specific requirements, with adjustable amounts of water and fertilizer that decrease over time.
** Risk of Theft:** Plants can be hidden in various locations to avoid being harvested by other players, introducing a dynamic of risk and strategy.
Easy Harvesting & Bud Production: After proper care, plants can be harvested with shears to obtain buds, which can then be turned into weed bags for selling or use.
Customizable Growth and Maintenance: The script allows server owners to adjust the initial conditions, growth rates, and times for watering, fertilizing, and harvesting. This includes configurable plant growth time and bud yield.
Simple, Passive Gameplay: Designed to be a low-maintenance, passive activity, players can check on their plants periodically, making it suitable for casual and immersive gameplay.
Much More Features
Config = {}
Config.FrameWork = "QBOX" -- We Support 2 Framworks for this verison [QBCore / QBOX]
Config.Notifications = "OX" -- [OX / QB]
Config.Shovel = 'plant_shovel'
Config.Shears = 'plant_shears'
Config.Fertilizer = 'plant_fertilizer'
Config.Pot = 'plant_pot'
Config.Water = 'water'
Config.Baggie = 'plant_emptybag'
-- Water & Fertilizer & Growth Settings
-- Water Settings
Config.StartAmountWater = 55 -- The amount of water a plant start with
Config.LoseWaterAmount = 5 -- The amount of water each plant loses every x amount of time
Config.LoseWaterTime = 30 -- (SECONDS) The amount of time it takes for each plant to lose water
Config.WaterFeedAmount = 15 -- Percentage the plant gain per water bottle given to the plant
-- Fertilizer Settings
Config.StartAmountFertilizer = 60 -- The amount of fertilizer a plant start with
Config.LoseFertilizerAmount = 2 -- The amount of fertilizer each plant loses every x amount of time
Config.LoseFertilizerTime = 30 -- (SECONDS) The amount of time it takes for each plant to lose fertilizer
Config.FertilizerFeedAmount = 15 -- Percentage the plant gain per fertilizer given to the plant
-- Growth Settings
Config.GainGrowthAmount = 5 -- The amount of growth each plant gains every x amount of time
Config.GainGrowthTime = 30 -- (SECONDS) The amount of time it takes for each plant to gain growth
Config.MinDistanceBetweenPlants = 2.0 -- ONLY TOUCH IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING!
Config.Plant = {
['bluedream'] = {
label = 'Blue Dream Plant', -- Label for weed
seed = 'seed_bluedream', -- Weed Seed item name
baggie = 'bluedream_bag', -- Weed Baggy item name
bud = 'bud_bluedream', -- Weed Bud item name
budMin = 5, -- Minimum buds you get from harvesting plant
budMax = 10, -- Maximum buds you get from harvesting plant
BudsForBag = 5, -- Buds require to make 1 weed bag
Props = { -- Plant props for each stage
[1] = `an_weed_blue_01_small_01a`,
[2] = `an_weed_blue_med_01b`,
[3] = `an_weed_blue_lrg_01a`
['purplehaze'] = {
label = 'Purple Haze Plant',
seed = 'seed_purplehaze',
baggie = 'purplehaze_bag',
bud = 'bud_purplehaze',
budMin = 5,
budMax = 10,
BudsForBag = 5,
Props = {
[1] = `an_weed_purple_01_small_01a`,
[2] = `an_weed_purple_med_01b`,
[3] = `an_weed_purple_lrg_01a`
['glue'] = {
label = 'Glorilla Glue Plant',
seed = 'seed_glue',
baggie = 'glue_bag',
bud = 'bud_glue',
budMin = 5,
budMax = 10,
BudsForBag = 5,
Props = {
[1] = `an_weed_white_01_small_01a`,
[2] = `an_weed_white_med_01b`,
[3] = `an_weed_white_lrg_01a`
['bananakush'] = {
label = 'Banana Kush Plant',
seed = 'seed_bananakush',
baggie = 'bananakush_bag',
bud = 'bud_bananakush',
budMin = 5,
budMax = 10,
BudsForBag = 5,
Props = {
[1] = `an_weed_yellow_01_small_01a`,
[2] = `an_weed_yellow_med_01b`,
[3] = `an_weed_yellow_lrg_01a`
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 750 |
Requirements | QBCore OR QBOX OR ESX, Ox_inventory, ox_lib |
Support | Yes |
Other Resources:
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