[PAID] [ADDON] Drill Animations by Divined (Get Sturdy, Woo Walk, Pop Smoke Dance, Blixky Twirl, Crip Walk, Blood Walk etc)

This is a set of custom add-on animations. There’s a file included which adds these animations to DPEmotes (you copy and paste it into your DPEmotes AnimationList.lua).


Q: Has it been tested in live environments?
A: Yes and it is optimized, tested in servers with 500-600 player peak times.

Q: Animation flickering?
A: This is currently an issue with quaternization when converting the animation from Max over to FiveM with AnimKit, I have discussed this with disquse and hopefully soon it will be fixed. Due to the nature of dancing animations when there is a lot of movement those quaternization issues occur, this should not occur with future packs where there isn’t a lot of obscene movement like the animation above.

Where can you buy this?

Visit this link to buy - https://tritons-store.tebex.io/package/5004904 - after purchase your animations will be tied to your CFX account and ready to use. Animations are encrypted, manifest and animationlist.lua is not


How you able to make custom animations ?

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With AnimKit.


Wish you would spend some time on these things and make them not always clip into them self.
Every pack you put out does it and they just look bad.


Unfortunately it’s not as simple as that, many times the animation looks fine in 3ds Max and then after exporting it over a couple dozen times the movements will get screwed due to the different computing system that Max uses for bone rotations vs what GTA uses, I’ve already talked with Disquse about this and he said that he is looking into a solution for this which is also what often causes flickering in custom animations. What I put out is always the best result I can get after exporting many times and after doing a lot of adjustments.

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this is sick.

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No one can ask anymore of you then your best Remember that :slight_smile:

When the fix is out, will you re-release the older packs with it? I’m not interested in many animations but I definitely am in this specific one and the gang signs one. Thanks!

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Yeah for sure, planning to do that for all my packages. The flickering isn’t nearly as bad as I’ve been using a lot of techniques to hide it lately.

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when will this be re-released as your tebex account is unavailable