This is a set of custom add-on animations. There’s a file included which adds these animations to DPEmotes (you copy and paste it into your DPEmotes AnimationList.lua).
Q: Has it been tested in live environments? A: Yes and it is optimized, tested in servers with 500-600 player peak times.
Q: Animation flickering? A: This is currently an issue with quaternization when converting the animation from Max over to FiveM with AnimKit, I have discussed this with disquse and hopefully soon it will be fixed. Due to the nature of dancing animations when there is a lot of movement those quaternization issues occur, this should not occur with future packs where there isn’t a lot of obscene movement like the animation above.
Where can you buy this?
Visit this link to buy - - after purchase your animations will be tied to your CFX account and ready to use. Animations are encrypted, manifest and animationlist.lua is not.
These are BVH animations, properly processed, optimized and tried to fix keyframe issues as much as possible - unsure if they are on Mixamo. I am working on a format to convert animations from Mixamo at the moment though.
They look awesome, but I would never pay 60bucks for some animations… that’s more than I paid for things that are neccessities like… MLO’s, job scripts/drugs/housing etc… if I see the price drop drastically, I’ll be sure to buy!
Well the price was 50, Tebex made it 60 unfortunately - I lowered it down to 40 so it’s an even 50 with Tebex’s price. Some of these animations are like over 600 frames and are dances, hence the price. Going to be doing smaller anims for a more decent price.