[PAID] [ADDON] 150 Sadboy Patchwork Tattoos by Divined

This is a set of custom add-on tattoos I made with a friend who I’ve been getting into GTA modding. Depending how well it does we’ll see if we can expand more with patchwork type tats. The script for the tattoos is xnTattoos, however I only include the AllTattoos.json file that helps you put the tattoos into that script. Here is a free script you can use: [Release] xnTattoos (ESX) - you can easily use my AllTattoos.json file to add them.


Q: Has it been tested in live environments?
A: Yes and it is optimized, tested in servers with 500-600 player peak times.

Q: How to apply them?
A: You can easily use xnTattoos and use my AllTattoos.json file included, you can also apply them by using the AddPedDecorationFromHashes native. Collection name is tpack_overlays and the namehash is the names of the files in the stream folder of the .ytd files.


Visit this link to buy - https://tritons-store.tebex.io/package/5256242 - after purchase your tattoos will be tied to your CFX account and ready to use. Tattoos are encrypted, manifest and .meta/.xml files for sizing etc are not.

Video with all the tattoos can be seen below

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements None, you can use xnTattoos however
Support Yes