Ox Inventory Retexutre - Retex Scripts

  • Hello everyone , today there is a new retexture for Ox Invenotry

:money_with_wings: OUR TEBEX
:cat: GITHUB

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Requirements Ox Inventory
Support Yes

Your GitHub link doesn’t work.

yes I know at the moment I’m working on it, it’s on my discord until it’s done

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Can you send me a invite?

Hi, how can i remove / replace the RX text ?

he explain me :slight_smile: go to web/build/assets

then go to all .js files and search the discordweblink with the “.png”
delete only the link when you like to se nothing or replace with your logo.

dont delete the complete thing. this broke the build.

hi, thank you :+1: