Ox_inventory redesign

ox_inventory redesign (It’s not made by me. Credits to the Overextended team for all the actual functional code and @Pashacx for 20 lines of CSS changes)

Download: Github

btw use the release version and check my store :v:




I could swear ive seen this before. Where tho?


Then people wonder why they don’t post anything for free. The community is full of people like you, you dont deserve anything. Thank you :slight_smile:



In fact, people like you are the reason that there is less and less free releases.


@TOSHK003 has every right to redistribute the code

Snippet from ox_inventory/LICENSE

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

Additionally, I work and invest time into it and the price is accordingly. As long as people like him are in this community, sales will increase, don’t be surprised


He has the right to redistribute the code, but he doesn’t have the right to copy and paste my work.

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Your work is under the GNU Public License V3… exactly the same license as ox inventory. He has every right to do it so long as he follows that license, which he is here.


Additionally, I work and invest time into it and the price is free, so fuck off


keep working :kissing_heart:

He didn’t copy and paste, he took what he paid for and redistributed that.


ugly ass redesign anyway


Honestly you degenarate people you will never understand about the passion we put into projects so you can have and enjoy but hey what’s matter when you get claimed developers in the bio using GPT or Blackbox :skull: and sell wack resources

UI looks like 0resmon design :skull: rip the ox_inventory that has to run it

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Oh is that how the license works? So what gives you the right to copy and paste all my work?


Thank you, very creative, keep it up

Nobody is forcing you to do this work for free, if the time isn’t valuable for you then that’s fine. Keep working.


I rework something for people who have no knowledge and then put it up for sale. I mention your work to show people who want to edit it themselves. But this guy has no rework or something else he just bought and put it online. How ever its fine, happy to see people using it and see that your layout is boring


You’re complaining he redistributed “your” code, except that’s how the license works. That’s why in the real world when something is licensed under GPL people/businesses make money from services rather than selling the product.

You complain about all your hard-work and time invested being stolen, and claim it’s the reason people don’t post free releases; meanwhile, you’re completely dismissing the hundreds of hours put into developing, testing, documenting, and continuously improving a free product.

You are the reason people stop posting free resources. You are the reason asset encryption exists.

Frankly you should be happy you got your $10 or whatever, just so these people could troll you.


The part of my work is also a service as you called. I could only put the files I changed into the folder but this would be more difficult for people who don’t understand that kind of things. Thats why I pack that into the whole folder.

I never told that this work is hard, its just take time. If an owner is running a server with 200 players and earning something & don’t want to invest time in changing something he can buy such a service. I did not force anyone to buy that. You and your team are doing that together maybe, maybe for money, maybe for fun or maybe for a big range of players.

I also never criticize your work and invested time, quite the opposite I told that you did a good job expect the UI. This is my opinion & you can not change that.

Be sure that I am not the reason, the reason is that people dont deserve it.
I really don’t care about the value, its only funny to see that you and your team can’t accept the truth
that you have invested much time into it but didn’t take the most important part seriously.

And that was my last answer to this topic have fun with it and keep working on your project.