
Hi everyone,
I’ve been trying to use the SetWeaponAnimationOverride Native to change the aim Animation, but I can’t figure out how to do it well. Can anybody help me?

How I’ve been using the command:

local menuAim = {
			isMenuHeader = true,
			header = 'Menú de Estilo de Disparo',
			icon = "fa-regular fa-object-group",
			header = 'Estilo por defecto',
			icon =  "fa-solid fa-crosshairs",
			params = {
				isAction = true,
				event = function ()
					SetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey('Default'))
					SetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey('Default'))
					print('Intentada cargar: '..`Default`..' cargada: '.. GetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId()))
			header = 'Estilo de Banda',
			icon =  "fa-solid fa-crosshairs",
			params = {
				isAction = true,
				event = function ()
					SetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey('Gang1H'))
					SetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey('Gang1H'))
					print('Intentada cargar: '..`Gang1H`..' cargada: '..  GetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId()))
			header = 'Estilo de Paleto',
			icon =  "fa-solid fa-crosshairs",
			params = {
				isAction = true,
				event = function ()
					SetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey('Hillbilly'))
					SetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey('Hillbilly'))
					print('Intentada cargar: '..`Hillbilly`..' cargada: '..GetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId()))
            header = "Atrás",
            icon = "fa-solid fa-angle-left",
            params = {
				isAction = true,
                event = OpenHolsterMenu

Thanks in advanced

What guns are you trying this on? As far as I know, only some weapons actually work when using this native. For the “Hillbilly” only some pistol works for example.

An alternative to using this native would be to just play an animation like done here: [Release] [Free] "Advanced" Weapon Animation Menu