Outfit bag [ESX + QB]

Save, share and change outfits using the outfit bag

Great script performance running at 0.00ms (Can be higher when rendering 3d text)

This script works on both ESX & QBCore
Requires OneSync!

Mostly obfuscated using Escrow. All Framework functions are public
ESX + QBCore

TEBEX Purchase here

Showcase + Gameplay Video

  • Save multiple outfits
  • Put on previously saved outfits
  • Place and pick up the bag (item)
  • Ability to use a command if you don’t want to use an item (configurable)
  • Share outfits with other players
  • qtarget, qb-target and ox_target compatible (not required)
  • High performance
  • Highly configurable


Works with qtarget and qb-target (Optional)

Mostly obfuscated using Escrow. All Framework functions are public
ESX + QBCore

TEBEX Purchase here

Default Config

Outfit Bag 2.0 Now Available!


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What amazing job!


Give me the option to add my own translations and I’ll buy it

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It has that like all my scripts :slight_smile:

just bought it, as promised :wink:

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Script I like, I have only 2 requests:

  1. naming the clothes please via nh-keyboard or the esx input thingy.
  2. freeze the bag when it is on the floor.

Other than that very good script
10/10 can recommend

Re point 1:

I think the easiest way would be to somehow get the text input into the open source part.

For the naming I might change the system to a html input if needed. Is the GTA:O input not sufficient?

The bag should be frozen and collisionless when the targeting systems are disabled as those require collisions. The reason to not freeze the bag when the collision is enabled is so that people can’t grief using it (placing it on the highways or in doorways)

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The GTA:O is sufficient but just looks very unattractive and visually just does not fit in.

Under the aforementioned circumstances, it naturally makes sense not to freeze the bag.

i have a vmenu based esx server , but i dont use skinchanger or any other resource that handles clothes , will this work without them ? so like if i save a outfit from vMenu then i can save the same on in the bag?

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just bought this script and test it on my server very nice bro!


This script handles everything on its own

Can you setup it up where it can only be used by certain players? Want to setup it up where only 1st responders can use it so they dont have to constantly go to the station to change. Civs and crims would have to go to their homes to change outfits.

The code that makes the item usable is unobfuscated, you could potentially add a job whitelist

ok, i will look into it

Love the script , we use it on our server everyone likes it but there is a little issue , when you change your clothes with the bag , and remove top or hat it reverts your clothes back to the last saved clothes you used at the clothes store.

So say i have a my MC cut clothes on and use the bag to change into my crime all blacked out clothes , get arrested and they tell me to take my mask off , i take my mask off and all my clothes change back to my MC clothes.

Will this get fixed?

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Its not??

It’s up to the script that allows you to take off your mask to check what is currently equipped on the player and work of that. Outfit bag sadly can’t prevent your clothes reverting to your MC clothes

I modified locale.lua to my language, many squares appeared. client.lua is obfuscated, How do I change the font?

Hi, the Draw3dText function is located in the client editable file, you can change the font there