[Outdated][Release]Fishing V2

Hello guys, i made some changes on this script.

What is the diffrent ?

  • Caught fishes now save in your inventory. ----V1/V2
  • You can sell your fishes. ----V1/V2
  • F10 to start fishing (I just wanted to change) ----V1

  • Added a zone(with blips) to catch fish ! ----V2
  • Added Different fish species ! ----V2
  • The sales price decreases according to the fish type ! ----V2
  • E to start fishing ----V2


  • essentialmode
  • vdk_inventory


https://github.com/EserSahiner/ES_Fishing ----- V1

https://github.com/EserSahiner/es_fishingv2 ----- V2

Original Post:

Creator: @FoxXXL


If the fish can sell money, then even more perfect

Hello, really beautiful work, can we set an area for fishing ? I want to add 2 different fish zone for Sea fish and Lake fish with different price too but i don’t see how i can add fish zone :confused:
Have a nice day :slight_smile:

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i will try to add fishingzones




I do not get the fish in my inventory , I have no idea why , Do you know?

did you execute sql file ?

Hi. I’m looking for a script so you can stand up and fish with tivoli that is linked to ex’s database. someone who knows how to get one

Does this work with esx?
And do you have to buy a fishing rod?

How does one execute and sql file?