Österreich Polizei EUP (Blue/White)

Austrian Police Uniforms (Blue/White)

I hope you will be satisfied with this EUP!

TEBEX : https://military-stuff-co.tebex.io/package/6242311
DISCORD : Discord

For More -

[Paid] Building / Logistic Script
[Paid] Realistic Artillery Strikes
[Paid] Realistic Vehicle Ammunition
[Paid] FPV Kamikaze Drone Script
[Paid] Bundeswehr / KSK Basic Uniform
[Paid] Austria Police Uniform
[Paid] Austria Police Female Uniform
[Free] Austria Bundesheer EUP
[Free] Bundeswehr Luftwaffen EUP

Assets are accessible No
Subscription-based No
Polygons (model and LOD) 17000
Texture size and amount 1024 - 2048
Requirements & dependencies No Requirements
Support Yes on Discord