Orion Studios TextUI V2

:package: os_textui:

  • | Clean & Responsive UI
  • | Optimised to 0.00ms CPU while idle
  • | Standalone
  • | Create & draw your own custom UI’s
  • | Use different themes on each textui or create you own theme
  • | Replace the markers with textui

:computer: Examples:

--Draw Custom UI
exports.os_textui:custom("ui_id_here", vector3(x,y,z),
  '<div style="display: block; width: 7vw; height: 2vw; background: rgb(16, 16, 16); border: 0.1vw solid rebeccapurple; border-radius: 0.25vw; transform: scale(1.2);"> <img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1210270012586328105/1217472636792082442/Orion_Services_Avatar.png?ex=660426c0&is=65f1b1c0&hm=0dcb240a84d3268a6046be36153f96ebc84fd4926bf8d7220a2aeb86cfcd33dc&" style="width: 1.75vw; height: 1.75vw; border-radius: 0.25vw; margin: 0.15vw;"> <span style="position: absolute; top: 0.45vw; left: 2.15vw; font-size: 0.55vw; text-align: center;">ORION STUDIOS<br/>TEXT UI V2</span> </div>'

--Draw TextUI
--The usage is simple & like DrawMarker() you can use it on a while loop.
exports.os_textui:draw(id, {
   coords = vector3(x,y,z),
   key = "E",
   text = "Hello Cfx.re Community",
   theme = "theme-1",
   drawDist = 1.5

--Register TextUI
exports.os_textui:register(id, {
   coords = vector3(x,y,z),
   key = "E",
   text = "Hello Cfx.re Community",
   theme = "theme-1",
   drawDist = 7.5,
   drawTextDist = 1.5

--Remove a registered TextUI

:movie_camera: Preview

:money_with_wings: Purchase

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 700+
Requirements No
Support Yes
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It does not stay at 0.00ms, just 1 text generates a weight of 0.07ms.

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Hey! As I mentioned it stays 0.00ms while idle. Now for the 0.07ms it depends on you system, for example I get like 0.04-0.05ms. We will try our best to make it more optimized. Thank you for your support buddy! :smile:

Hello, is it possible to create textui for the Alt key with this? Because most of us are using the Target system.

Hello, Yep its possible! :smiley: