[OPEN SOURCE] Police Simulator V - Policing Gamemode

Police Simulator V is a mod that aims to bring a realistic PvE policing experience to FiveM.

:rotating_light: Key Features :police_car:

:small_blue_diamond: No External Database Required: Keep it simple. No need to hassle with external databases – just plug and play!

:small_blue_diamond: Callout System: Respond to callouts with 379 unique locations, you’ll never run out of exciting scenarios to explore and conquer. Add your own custom callout coordinates easily.

:small_blue_diamond: Highly Customizable: Customize callout frequency, whitelist callouts to a specific postal range, modify NPC identities, add items for vehicle & ped searches, customize jailing location, customize driver’s licenses, vehicle registration documents and Mobile Data Computer UI. This ressource comes with customization in mind.

:small_blue_diamond: Extended Ped Identities: When performing background checks on NPCs you will be able to view information such as firearms licenses, active warrants, previous events and much more.

:small_blue_diamond: Arrest Reporting System: Keep track of your law enforcement activities with our built-in arrest reporting system.

:small_blue_diamond: Random Traffic Events: Keep things unpredictable with random traffic events like broken windows and flat tires, adding excitement to every patrol.

:small_blue_diamond: Realistic Vehicle Pursuits: Evading drivers will try to avoid collisions and behave in a realistic manner.

:small_blue_diamond: Realistic Traffic Stops: When pulling over drivers they won’t simply directly drive to a point and park, they will observe traffic laws and pull over to the side of the road realistically.

:small_blue_diamond: Integrated Mobile Data Computer: View recent callouts, submit arrests reports, perform background checks.

:small_blue_diamond: Driver Documents: Request documents such as driver’s licenses, vehicle registration. These can be customized to server owner needs.

:small_blue_diamond: Felony Stops: Extract suspects out of vehicles in a realistic manner with the Felony Stop system.

:small_blue_diamond: Postal Codes Integration: This mod integrates postal codes for dispatching purposes.

:small_blue_diamond: EUP Menu Integration: Integrated & customizable EUP menu.

:small_blue_diamond: Towtruck Support: Easily dispatch a NPC towtruck driver to your location and impound vehicles.

THIS IS NOW OPEN-SOURCE. You can find the latest FiveM ressource files as well as source code below.


isnt this free here anyways seems the exact same script [Release] PD5M - Multiplayer PvE Police Script - Ambient Events

This is a unique script and is entirely different from FivePD or the one you provided. I will update the original post with more videos & screenshots shortly.

Good Job obviously but, I just don’t see the point in me paying you $25 for something when multiple other people have released a more complex script for free.

Just updated the script with random traffic events, vehicle pursuits and preview of the callout system.

Random Traffic Events & Vehicle pursuits with realistic behavior:

Callout System, logic and entities entirely server-sided:

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Hello :slight_smile: hope you’re day have been really good.
I just wanted to ask some quastions about this script.

  1. will the script allow editing of the driving license and the MDT and all the other things like registration PNG etc. And editing on the callouts so it is in norwegian and not english as well?

  2. will it come a lot of callouts, and callouts where invenstigation can take place, like for example a police detective need to talk with witneess and stuff?

  3. Will it also come foot patrol events, like for example a NPC walking up to the police officer and asks for help?

1: Yes the MDT & licenses are entirely customizable by server owners, as well as other things such as jailing points, NPC identities, EUP menu, postal codes, list of items, etc. (.json files) and later department system & motorpool (not yet implemented)

2: Yes I want a lot of variety for callouts, however right now there is only 2 types (person with a firearm). But in a few updates there will be more

3: I’ll consider foot patrol events for the future but it wasn’t planned for now

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this is awesome!!!

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This is amazing and great work! I see plenty of reason to pay $25 for this and I am going to get it later today. I can tell you obviously spent a lot of time and effort on this. Please keep the progress coming. I do not know what people are talking about saying there are more complex ones for free (show me something other than PD5M which is 4 years out of date LOL). Sounds like copium.

I have been desperately looking for a script like this that is fleshed out for PVE police. I just have a couple of questions:

  1. Maybe an obvious question, but is there job restrictions for this script? Can only the police job use this?

  2. Are there any plans for ox_target or radial menu support? The menu currently is clean, but could be a quicker process.

  3. Last one, plans for support for PVP too? I would love for the players who roleplay as cops in my server arrest other players who are racing or causing mayhem alongside arresting NPCs lol.

  1. Not at the moment, but I will add some sort of whitelisting capability soon
  2. Not at the moment but if there is enough interest I can look into it
  3. This isnt really intended for PVP as many parts of the script work with NPCs. But you could always have players use a name present in the identity database
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Really nice script and has a good price! Thanks for that!

I like to buy it but i need to know if i can replace the Interaction menu from RageUI or what it is with ox_menu its very important for me!

And other thing, i like to be able to add some tiggers for cops player ween they finish a mission to add them some XP points. I have a custom XP scripts and can be add it with exports or triggers.

I recomend you to make the script friendly with some frameworks like ESX or QBCore because i think thats the script need otherwise your script will can’t be something since from my own opionin FivemPD is much better than your script if you want to make it PVP only and not framework friendly.

Thank you.

Updated to version 0.2. Adds many things such as arrest reports, vehicle registration, customizable items for vehicle & ped searches. Updated MDC, new UI, dispatch page with previous callouts. Server-side settings and much more. See updated original post.

Currently evaluating options for the interaction menu as I want to get away from the default UI. I’ll consider ox_menu or similar in the future.

Looks very very cool,

especially since FivePD hasn’t been worked on in ages (at least not that it can be released).
Very sad, glad to see there are people trying to revive it.

I was actually considering buying it, but can I create callouts myself?
Or is it reasonably user-friendly?

Add your own custom callout coordinates easily."
Because from this post I’m assuming I can’t create one myself, just add new coordinates?

The callout system is still quite basic and early development so right now you can only change coordinates (theres only 2 callout types atm). I know people will probably want to add their own callouts so Ill definitely look into that at some point.


----- edited

Looks quite good. I want to buy but I need to know the max amount of departments?

Haven’t tested the upper limits but it should work for as many as you need. Should have no issues handling 100+ departments if you need.

Anymore updates? Also, the link or website doesn’t work

I apologize for the long delay. It’s been made open-source. See above for github link.