Using canary? No
Windows version: Version 10.0.18362 Build 18362
Artifact version: 2625
IP address: Hosted on same PC as the client
Resources: Standard server.cfg with a testing resource to get coords from a command.
I wanted to create a simple vehicle spawner when I noticed that the server was getting some wrong coords when using GetEntityCoords.
Expected behavior:
A consistent correct return from GetEntityCoords.
Actual behavior:
A wrong return from GetEntityCoords after the server has been restarted with the client on it.
Steps to reproduce:
1: Start your server, and join from your client. (Here coords displays correctly!)
2: Close the server while the client is on the server (Sometimes you need to do this step twice for it to work)
3: Open the server again, and rejoin from your client (Coords are now returning -27648, -27648, -1700
Restarting the client seems to fix it after you encounter this issue.
Script Used:
Run the following on the server
RegisterCommand('getpos', function(source, args, command)
local playerId = source
local ped = GetPlayerPed(playerId)
Any additional info:
You might need to restart the server a few times with the client on it to trigger it, but I was able to consistently reproduce this doing these steps.