Onesync - Connection interrupted past ~480 players without hitches


Operating system: Windows
Artifact version: Latest + tweaks

Tested on three servers, despite apparently no hitches, no high CPU, no high bandwidth some people are getting timed out when reaching ~480 players.

Procdump + ETW:
Symbols + DLL:

Any net-metrics info from these ‘some people’?

ETW Trace during a hitching in the net thread that caused a time out / PL
(using the same symbols and dll as above)

Primary slowness here on svNetwork at least still appears to be extremely high amount of (resent?) network packets, but indeed some curious contention is visible for a few msec at some point which looks like some sort of host->guest preemption - are you pinning threads on the host?

are you pinning threads on the host?

I’m not


I don’t know if you want screenshots but here is a preview of the drilldown UI

If you want to see it yourself, just join the “Extinction” server you want

Might be a good idea to prevent some of these odd hitches.

Right - how frequently are you changing players’ appearance after they spawn/while they’re visible to other players?

Right - how frequently are you changing players’ appearance after they spawn/while they’re visible to other players?

There is a place to change your appearance in the main “lobby”
So usually 10-20 players at least might be changing their appearance at the same time, and each change is synced. But usually, appearance is only set once.

I’ll see to change that to a local ped, so we avoid any unnecessary sync

That might be related, might also not be, there’s a set of underlying issues that could be related but without ability to test/diagnose live I can’t do much.

Why would you need to test/diagnose live?

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Crash + sync hitching on last build:

Sync thread hitching with latest artifact:

This one is fixed as of 3044, I believe.

On 3044, sync thread hitching around 300 players

They were not continuous like before, from what’ve seen 100 / 25000ms quite often