On Duty Statistics - Non-ESX Stand-alone anyone? Player Count

is there anything like this but literally not esx…

Looking for a script that simply lets people go /onduty SAHP for example, then it shows in the HUD somewhere on screen for everyone the active on duty count. NOT player names or blips or anything fancy like that literally just a player count so civilians know if they should or shouldnt be possibly starting a big scene.

On Duty:
DOT: 3

So simply like /onduty ---- without all the loadout, changing ped nonsense that comes with it. Just a player count.

I have searched for hours and cannot find anything.

Thanks everyone!

im looking for one aswell, have you found it yet?

If this is something people still want, I would be willing to do it. This thread is a bit old, so I imagine the ones who have posted here previously have moved on or found a solution. Just figured I would extend an olive branch to anyone out there looking for this.

Theres a mild solution using a different script but it only checks total online count of those who have gone on duty using /duty command and relays it back in chat window when someone types a command to see how many are on duty. But It doesn’t really display as a toggleable NUI display which would be cool. Though, its been years now and its up to you if you want to make one. Certainly some might be interested! Standalone servers especially don’t really have many options for this at all.

Alright, I’ll give it a go since there hasn’t been any exact solutions! It should be rather easy, I have done some work with NUI before. I am looking to get back into scripting and creating mods. I really just wanted to get reacquainted with FiveM and thought I could maybe help some people out at the same time.

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