🔴 Old School Gang Wars | FiveM DEATHMATCH SERVER |


With the lack of deathmatch servers in the FiveM community, I decided to organise a server which would fill this void. This server is based off of popular deatmatch servers from San Andreas Multiplayer, but brought to you in GTA 5. My plan is to create an enjoyable deathmatch experience, making it as fair as possible. This eliminates broken elements of the game which aren’t competitive, such as overpowered weapons and rolling. This server will always be free to play, meaning everyone has the same weapons available to them, and competitive advantages will NOT be given to administrators or donators.

server rules
Administrators on this server aren’t police officers. I don’t want the server to be fully strict like a company or a corporation, I want players to have fun, to have second chances and overall enjoy their experience. However, some rules do have to be put in place to make it clear to people what the server is about, and what is simply not acceptable. These rules are stated below:

  • No cheats/modifications which alter your game to have advantage over the default game.
  • No bug (script and game) abusing.
  • No racism or harassment which makes people uncomfortable.
  • English language only in chat, this is a english based server however if you’d like to talk to your friends in a different language you may use /pm

server features

  • Gang System (teamkill results in $5,000 loss, might change in future)
  • Shop System - Allows you to purchase different guns, health and armour
  • Money System - Gain money on kill, lose money on death
  • Weapon Balancing - More skill required
  • Killstreak System - Every 5 kills without death you earn extra cash
  • Donator System - Custom team, only cosmetic changes, no competitive advantages
  • Administrator System - Players are able to report, and also call admins when they’re not online
  • AntiCheat System - Hackers shouldn’t bother joining


  • Events - races, free-for-all, gungame

grove Grove St. Gang
ballas Ballas Gang
vagos Vagos Gang
aztecas Aztecas Gang

gang selection
After joining the server, you will be able to select your gang and the skin you’d like in the gang. Different gangs offer different spawnpoints. Here’s an example below.

gang spawns
Each different gang has their own spawnpoints with their own vehicles. Gang vehicles are color coded so you can rep your gang the right way!

The shop is available anywhere as long as you’re not in a vehicle. You’re able to purchase weapons, health and armour. To combat bug abusers, it takes 8 seconds to purchase health/armour, and if you’re shot in that time the purchase is cancelled. Prices are still not set yet, example only.

how to join
If you’d like to join use:
F8 In-game: connect “cfx.re/join/yxl439”
F8 in-game: connect “”
Or search for ‘deathmatch’ and connect to DEATHMATCH .: Old School Gang Wars :.

The best place to keep in contact is our discord. You’ll be able to ask any questions about the server and also pick out your role. If you don’t want to join our discord, you can keep a look out on this thread as it will be updated as the server is updated.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you join our community!

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Just joined the discord, I’m gonna try and get my homies on because this sounds like a really fun server

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Thank you for joining our Discord and giving our community a try.

I recommend anyone that’s interested in the server to join our discord and be part of the community. We do not spam our discord and only post important updates. Currently working on perfecting weapon damages and tomorrow it should be released at 14:00 GMT+0.

Server release is today.

– Changelog –

  • Disabled combat roll
  • Disabled solo drive-by
  • Adjusted weapon damages
  • Added loading screen

Join discord for live updates

cfx.re/join/vl4qox OR

Live now! Would appreciate people joining to test out the host and also the server itself. I assure you that you haven’t played on a server like this on FiveM yet. Come give it a go!

Thank you for your kind words.

After putting the server live, we encountered huge issues with pre-spawned vehicles and their respawn system. Since it’s a gamebreaking bug the server is currently down and only available to testers while I put a new vehicle system in place which will likely include a garage. However, an annoyance with many servers is the time wasted on running to the garage etc, so I’ll be making sure it is similar to shop where you can simply open up a menu if you are around you spawn, essentially making it the same as having pre-spawned vehicles. Apologies for the delayed release.

In the process of developing a new vehicle spawning system with a levelling system. Server should be back up LATEST Tuesday. Keep updated on our discord. Also check out the server’s website!


Server back live. If you’d like to join use:
F8 In-game: connect “cfx.re/join/vl4qox”

Or search for deathmatch and connect to DEATHMATCH .: Old School Gang Wars :.

Some screenshots from yesterday! Server was full up with 32 players.

Cool video on the server!

Check out our official server video.

Server update:

  • Multiple chat changes (ID’s in chat, easier to use)
  • Administrative System updates
  • Playertags will soon be the colour of the team you’re in
  • Constantly changing the weapon damages to find the best amounts


No more white name tags!! (Unless you’re donator) Your playertag is now set to the colour of the team you’re in, making it easier to distinguish between different teams


  • Doubled cash reward on kill
  • Added automated messages showing tips, can be disabled using /pmessage
  • Added team chat (/t [message])
  • ID’s displayed in chat, making it easier to message people
  • /help is now working

The damages of weapon will be tweaked, improving damages for assault rifles however I’ll keep the sniper and desert eagle damage at 50. Vehicle respawns are being worked on

Server is now back ONLINE
Connect with cfx.re/join/yxl439 OR press F8 and type 'connect'