# What is OSRP?
Ohio State Roleplay is a Fivem Vmenu community based in Ohio.
Made from members who have been a part of the Fivem community for years, and have taken that experience from those servers to give you the support and training you need. We believe that the community deserves the best environment and freedom for all their different roleplay scenes!
# What Emergency Services does OSRP offer?
OSRP offers 4 departments which include.
- Ohio State Highway Patrol
- Franklin County Sheriff’s Office
- Cleveland Police Department
- Ohio State Fire & Rescue
Dispatch is available through the department’s sub divisions.
# Why choose OSRP?
Many may ask why should I choose OSRP over other roleplay servers and we believe the answer is quite simple. OSRP is founded on the idea to have constant updates and a very high expectation for roleplay variety. OSRP allows members most vehicles and most weapons un blacklisted as long as their roleplay is legit. Which allows players to have the most variety of choosing for the role they play.
# 3rd party applications?
We use a couple different applications through Fivem which includes teamspeak for LEO & Fire. We also use SonoranCad for our computer aided dispatch. No one is required to be in-state but is highly encouraged.
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