Gsr test, job check is dependent on ox_target and the rest is done with ox_lib. Major overhaul of whatever i was using before , feel free to give it a whirl and make it better!
check out my other free scripts :
Free weapons on back for ox_inventory
Free blindfold script for ox_inventory
This is awesome man! Finally something that is optimized and free for my server!
December 7, 2022, 1:11pm
what does it do ? exactly
nice script brother
but where did you get the shot spoter script thanks
Cool to see an updated version of the GSR script I made years ago, and released together with BattleRattt.
I would prefer you gave credit where credit is needed, the code is more or less the same, with minor changes.
Original Server Side: Radiant_gsrtest/main.lua at master · EGUltraTM/Radiant_gsrtest · GitHub
Your Server Side: ogsr/server.lua at main · Testaross/ogsr · GitHub
looks sick and all, but in the video it comes back negative after he shot too?
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I was wondering where this came from, former dev said it was his.
will take care of it right now with proper credits on here and repo, would you like me to make it a fork instead, just dm me so I can make this right
Thx, one thing i feel is an issue with the release, is it’s fully dependant on ox_inventory, the way it checks if you are armed.
Think that needs to be noted down.
will do, doing a full rewrite to state bags right now, gonna remove the ox_inventory dependency
Hmm i would use the ox_lib cache function, i know they added weapon check not that long ago if i recall right.
yea im gonna use weapon on cache lol
Ye i kinda desided to rewrite the script, just gonna test it tomorrow, to tirred to do it now, just had some ideas how to make it even better.
my full rewrite is now up, i removed basically everything from the original except the notificaton sentence
but I am keeping the ox_inventory dependency due to how im detecting gunshots
Yea i did a full rewrite, where ox_inventory is not needed, just using ox_target and ox_lib.
Cleaned up the client code, preloaded the natives that are used most commonly in the script, just for that extra bit of optimization.
And fully using statebags, only thing i diddent test is the ox_target crap should work tho.
Added progressbar when washing off gsr, and a cancel feature, if you leave the water, before it’s cleaned off.
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I would love to see a full QB-Core version of this